Open Science

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Today the VSNU announced that the Dutch universities have published 73% of their academic articles Open Access in 2020. 

The Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ECR) has made an update (version 4.0) of 'Open Research Data

The European Commission has launched 

Horizon Europe, the new funding programme for research and innovation of the Europese Union, has been started in May 2021. With a budget of 95 miljard euro it is the successor of Horizon 2020.

In cooperation with the repository managers of scholarly institutions and the many researchers in the Netherlands, 900,000 scholarly publications are now accessible via NARCIS!

The open access platform was launched on Friday 29th with seven academic journals in the field of social sciences and humanities.

What does the Dutch data landscape need to be successful? How can DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services) contribute to this success?

The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has introduced a new funding instrument to stimulate Open Science.

Via the scholarly portal NARCIS you now have access to more than 300,000 data sets in Dutch archives. Almost 295,000 data sets are open data or open after login.

The current rise in COVID-19 infections in the Netherlands has led to the decision that the rescheduled National Open Science Festival will take place in an online setting on February 11th, 2021. 


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Dutch National website providing information for academics about the advantages of open access to publicly financed research

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