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Expertise center diamond open access


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7 Resources
Image of a course and the logo of CRAFT-OA and TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology

Technical Standards in Diamond OA Publishing

This useful training material by CRAFT-OA project introduces technical standards in Diamond Open Access journal publishing. The training is a compilation of essential reading on the following topics: 1) publishing systems and features, 2) metadata (standards; identifiers; licensing; OA and self-archiving policy), 3) content accessibility, and 4) overarching material. 

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Collective Action In Science Diamond

Collective Action in Science Diamond

This pledge organized by the Free Our Knowledge coalition is aimed at researchers in cognitive science (neuroscience, philosophy, computer science, linguistics and other relevant disciplines) who want to tackle systemic inequalities embedded in academic publishing. By signing this pledge, you commit to publishing at least one scholarly work in a Diamond open access outlet within a five-year period.

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Diamond Discovery Hub logo

Coming soon: Diamond Discovery Hub by CRAFT-OA:

The Diamond Discovery Hub will be a comprehensive directory of Diamond Open Access Journals across Europe. The journals presented in the directory are curated by an editorial team to ensure that they meet the six operational criteria: persistent identifier, scholarly journal, Open Access, no fees, open to all authors and community-owned.

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Diamond Capacity Hub logo

European Capacity Hub

The European Diamond Capacity Hub (EDCH) provides six services to Diamond OA Publishers and Providers that range from online trainings to resources, guidelines, self-assessment tools.

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Flipping to Diamond

How to flip your journal: A guide to more equitable publishing with Diamond OA

This guide has been written for all journal editors (in the Netherlands and beyond) who are uncomfortable with commercial publishers' hold on their journals and would like to transition to a Diamond Open Access publication model. 

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Diamond Open Access Standard logo

Diamond Open Access Standard self-assessment tool

You can use this tool if you are Diamond OA publisher or a Diamond OA service provider, to help you gain insights into the financial health of your services, and to help you plan for a more sustainable future. 

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Online portfolio on the status of the Diamond Open Access in the Netherlands

Read this portfolio to learn more about Diamond OA in the Netherlands, the opinion of editors running Diamond OA journals and which services you can use for Diamond OA publishing.

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