Everyone should be able to read and reuse the results of publicly funded academic research online: this is the ideal pursued by the open access movement. All institutions of higher education in the Netherlands plus the Dutch government are working towards this goal. This site provides the national and international research community with objective information about recent developments that are helping to bring this goal closer in the Netherlands. The information is supplemented by news from abroad that is of interest to the Netherlands. The site also offers practical advice to researchers wishing to publish in open access.
About this website
Editorial Team
The editorial team is responsible for gathering news, writing and publishing news items, maintaining and updating the website. They are supported by a network of contact persons within the institutions.
The team is made up of:
Andrea Tarchi
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Hanna De Vries
Utrecht University
Beatriz Lourenço Barrocas Neves Ferreira
Tilburg University
Rebecca Calcott
Radboud University
Institutional contacts
Erasmus University Rotterdam: openaccess.library@eur.nl
Maastricht University: openaccess@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Radboud University Nijmegen: openaccess@ubn.ru.nl
University of Groningen: openaccess@rug.nl | openaccess@umcg.nl
Delft Technical University: library@tudelft.nl
Eindhoven Technical University: openaccess@tue.nl
Tilburg University: openaccess@tilburguniversity.edu
Leiden University: OpenAccess@library.leidenuniv.nl
Open University: pure-support@ou.nl
University of Twente: open-access@utwente.nl
Utrecht University: bibliotheek@uu.nl
Universiteit of Amsterdam: openaccess@uva.nl
Free University Amsterdam: openaccess@vu.nl
Wageningen University & Research: openaccess.library@wur.nl