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Publisher Deals

Publishing deals between the Universities of the Netherlands and commercial publishers

An overview of agreements between Dutch university libraries and traditional academic publishers with an open access element starting in 2015. For each publisher the number of open access publications is added.

On a regular base Dutch scientists opt for publishers which business model is based on pure open access. Of the major publishers the publication numbers are also available.

Information on capped deals

Some publisher deals only cover a limited number of articles a year: the so-called cap. Articles accepted after this cap has been reached cannot be published Open Access anymore that year, unless the author pays the APC themselves. 

We advise authors who need to comply with a funder's Open Access requirements to make use of the Rights Retention Strategy if they submit an article to a journal that is part of a capped deal. In that way, they can meet funder requirements by placing their Author Accepted Manuscript in a institutional repository, even if the article itself inadvertently ends up behind a paywall.

Deals that involve a cap are marked as such in the overview below.

Open Access Journal Browser

Journal browser: Find the best home for your next article - with OA funding information

Publisher License details and conditions Deal duration

Corresponding authors of participating institutions can publish open access without costs in almost 60 journals and proceedings of this publisher.



License and conditions:

  • University of Twente, Radboud University, University of Groningen, TU Delft, TU Eindhoven (duration 2021-2025), Leiden University, Tilburg University, University of Amsterdam (duration 2023-2025), VU Universtity Amsterdam (including University Medical Centers) and the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) are part of this agreement.
  • Corresponding authors affiliated to the participating institutions can publish without any costs in the journals and proceedings of ACM.
  • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement.
  • All article types are part of the agreement: “research articles, review articles and conference or proceedings papers, and any other article types” and will be published open access without any costs when published within the term of the agreement.


How does it work?

  • Use your institutional email address and affiliation during submission to be recognized as author of one of the participation institutes.

More details on ACM Open can be found on ACM's website.

See also the information on the workflow.

Meer over ACM
AIP Publishing (AIPP)

Free open access publication in 26 hybrid journals of AIPP. Note: capped deal!


Details and conditions of the licence

  • The corresponding author with the publisher is affiliated with a participating Dutch university or institution. Only then can open access be published under the agreement at no extra cost.
  • Participating universities (incl. university medical centres) are: Radboud University, University of Groningen, Delft University, Eindhoven University, Maastricht University, Twente University, University of Amsterdam and VU University Amsterdam.
  • The agreement applies to 26 AIPP hybrid journals. See the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview, or use it to search for a specific journal.
  • The following article types are covered by the agreement: research articles and updates, reviews, brief communications, communication conference articles, fast tracks of article-FT, letters, notes, roadmaps, perspectives and tutorials.
  • Within this agreement, a maximum number of free open access articles can be published each year by corresponding authors from the participating institutions: 126 in 2022, 133 in 2023, 141 in 2024 and 139 in 2025.
  • Start date of the agreement is 1 August 2022. To be eligible for free open access, the acceptance date must be after 1 August 2022 and before 31 December 2025. 

How does it work?

  • The corresponding author with the publisher, which for the publisher is the one who submits the article, must use the appropriate affiliation via the drop-down menu when submitting and use the institution's email address.
  • When submitting the publication, the corresponding author can indicate that the article should be published in open access.
  • After approval by the institution, the articles are published open access with a CC BY license.


See the workflow documentation for further explanation.

More information on the AIPP website.

This contract discloses the 'Content Licensing Agreement' with AIP Publishing.

Meer over AIP Publishing (AIPP)
American Chemical Society (ACS)

Publish open access without any costs in more than 60 hybrid journals from ACS. Note: capped deal!



License and conditions:

  • The agreement covers all hybrid journals from ACS. Use the Open Access Journal browser for an overview or to find a specific journal.
  • The corresponding author with the publisher must be associated with a participating Dutch university or organization, only then the open access publishing is without any costs.
  • Participating in this agreement are all Dutch universities (including Academic Medical Centers), with the exception of Erasmus University and Tilburg University. And also FOM-institute AMOLF and Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW).
  • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original research articles and review articles.
  • This agreement covers a maximum of 544 cost free open access publications per year.

How does it work?

  • At submission, the corresponding author with the author must select the institution and use the email address of that institution.
  • Your institution will be alerted of your open access funding request and, if the request is approved, your work will be published at no additional cost to you as ACS open access via a CC-BY license and made freely available on the ACS Publications website.
  • See the detailed instruction on the ACS website ‘How to publish under a R&P agreement’.
  • Questions? Please contact your open access specialists.

More information on the ACS website.

This contract discloses the 'Online Products Institutional Access Agreement between
SURF and the American Chemical Society + Addendum'.

Meer over American Chemical Society (ACS)
Amsterdam University Press (AUP)

Publish open access without costs in hybrid and  full open access journals from Amsterdam University Press AUP.


License and conditions:

  • Publish without any costs open access in hybrid and full open access AUP journals starting January 1st 2025.
  • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement.
  • Corresponding authors (teaching/research staff and students) employed/enrolled at participating institutes can publish their articles open access without any costs.
  • Eligible institutions are: University of Amsterdam (UvA), VU University Amsterdam (VU), University of Groningen (RUG), Radboud University Nijmegen (RU), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Tilburg University (UvT), Utrecht University (UU), Wageningen University (WUR), Leiden University (UL), Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Technical University of Eindhoven (TUE), University of Maastricht (UM), University of Twente (UT) and Open University (OU).


How does it work?

  • Use your institutional email address and institutional network during submission. Make clear that you are affiliated with an eligible institute.
  • The article will be published open access after acceptance without any costs.

More information on the AUP website.

This contract discloses the 'Publish & Read agreement SURF - AUP'.

Meer over Amsterdam University Press (AUP)
Annual Reviews

Publish open access without costs in the Subscribe to Open (S2O) journals from this publisher.


License and conditions:

  • These institutions particpate in the agreement: Erasmus University, Radboud University, Groningen University, TU Delft, TU/e, University of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam, Utrecht University, Tilburg University, Leiden University and Wageningen University.
  • Under the Subscribe to Open (S20) model the publisher will transfer journals with enough financial support to open access.
  • Open access publishing in the S2O journals from the publisher is cost free, also for authors from institutions tthat do not participate in this agreement.
  • See for an overview of the S2O journals the website of Annual Reviews or make use of the Open Access Journal Browser.


How does it work?

  • Subscribe to Open (S2O) is a model for publishers to convert subscription journals to open access in which subscribers who hold on to their subscriptions support this transition. See for more information the website of Annual Reviews on the model.

This contract discloses the 'Addendum Subscribe to Open Agreement SURF - Annual Reviews 2023-2025'.

For more information, see the publishers' website.

Meer over Annual Reviews

Publish open access without costs in hybrid and  full open access journals from Brill.



License and conditions:

  • Publish without any costs open access in hybrid and full open access Brill journals starting January 1st 2022.
  • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement.
  • Corresponding authors (teaching/research staff and students) employed/enrolled at participating institutes can publish their articles open access without any costs.
  • Publication types that are part of the deal: original research articles, review articles.
  • Eligible institutions  (including University Medical Centers) are: University of Amsterdam (UvA), VU University Amsterdam (VU), University of Groningen (RUG), Radboud University Nijmegen (RU), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Tilburg University (UvT), Utrecht University (UU), Wageningen University (WUR), Leiden University (UL) and Open University (OU).


How does it work?

  • Use your institutional email address and institutional network during submission. Make clear that you are affiliated with an eligible institute.
  • The article will be published open access after acceptance without any costs.
  • Another possibility is contacting Brill directly at to request to make a publication open access.

More information on the Brill website.

This contract discloses the 'Publish & Read agreement SURF - Brill'.

Meer over Brill
Cambridge University Press

Hybrid as well as full open access journals are included in this deal. Note: (partially) capped deal!



License and conditions

  • There is an agreement with Cambridge University Press to publish open access without any costs in more than 404 (of which 98 are full open access journals) hybrid and full open access journals. Search the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a journal is part of the agreement.
  • The agreement applies to all Dutch universities (including the university medical centres), KNAW and Naturalis.
  • Corresponding authors (teaching/research staff and students employed/enrolled) of participating institutes can publish open access without any costs.
  • Publication types that are part of the deal: original research articles, review articles, rapid communication, brief reports and case reports.
  • NB. Please note that there is a maximum of 1400 cost free open access publications in total for this agreement for Dutch Universities. When the maximum is about to be reached, a notification will be placed here. For KNAW and Naturalis there is no article cap.


How does it work?

  • Corresponding authors must use their institutional email address during submission.
  • After an article has been accepted, the corresponding author may indicate under which affiliation he/she submitted the article; CUP will know that the author is entitled to remission.
  • Cleck the 'Apply Discount' button confirm open access publication.

More information on the website and in this powerpoint of Cambridge University Press.

This contract discloses the 'Contract form for supply of products to SURF'.

Meer over Cambridge University Press

No publishing costs for Dutch authors in more than 2200 'hybrid' and full open access journals.


License and conditions

  • This agreement is for the period of 2025-2026, with the possibility to extend for 2027
  • All accepted articles by eligible authors of Dutch universities ( including University Medical Centres), Universities of Applied Sciences, NWO and the KNAW in the selected journals by Elsevier are eligible for open access publication without extra cost
  • Publication types that are part of the agreement: Full Length Article, Review Article, Short Communication, Case Report, Data, Micro-article, Original Software Publication, Practical Guideline, Protocol, Replication Study, Short Survey, Video. Other publication types as Letters, Editiorals and Discussions are currently NOT part of the agreement but can instead be made freely available under 'promotional access' on request by the author(s) by contacting
  • If accepted for publication in an Eligible Journal, the journal article shall automatically present CC BY unless the Eligible Author requests an alternative license
  • N.B. New journals are included in the agreement several times. The APC discount conditions only apply to these journals if articles are submitted after date of inclusion. Search for a journal in the Open Access Journal Browser to see after which date an article must have been submitted to be eligible for a full APC discount

How does it work?

  • Indicate in the publication stage (author journey) of your article that your research was conducted at a Dutch university, a NWO or KNAW research institute, or a university of applied sciences. 
  • Indicate that you opt for a CC-BY license.
  • See the workflow for further explanation.
  • Then choose the Gold Open Access option.

This contract discloses the Read & Publish Agreement

More info on the publisher's website.

More info about the workflow


Meer over Elsevier
Emerald Publishing group

Publish free of charge in 374 Emerald full open access and hybrid journals. Note: capped deal!




License and conditions

  • All Dutch universities (including University Medical Centers) are part of this agreement.
  • Emerald has a maximum amount of vouchers available annually for free of charge open access. This maximum amount is 101 articles per year. When the annual maximum has been reached, a message will be displayed here.
  • University affiliated (teaching and research staff, students employed/enrolled/otherwise accredited) corresponding authors can publish open access free of charge in some hybrid and all full open access journals.
  • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original articles, review articles.
  • Currently, 345 Emerald journals across 13 subject-oriented collections are available for Open Access (OA) publishing, along with 29 newly included ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers) publications. Among these, 56 titles are fully OA, while 348 follow a hybrid OA model. Researchers can publish for free only in journals that are part of the collections subscribed to by their respective universities.
  • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement for your university.


How does it work?

  • At submission, use your institutional email address and select the correct institutional affiliation.
  • Upon submission corresponding authors are required to indicate that they want to make their article open access via a mandatory yes/no question.
  • See for more information Emerald's support page about 'Open Access publishing agreements'.


Emerald's Open Access publishing agreements page.

For more info, please download the flyer: 'OA Voucher Leaflet'.


This contract discloses the 'Publish and Read Agreement SURF and Emerald 2025-2027'.  

Meer over Emerald Publishing group
IOP Publishing

Corresponding authors of participation universities can publish open access without any costs in (a selection of) the hybrid and full open access journals of this publisher.


License and conditions:

  • Corresponding authors of participation universities (including University Medical Centers) can publish - dependent on the agreement of their institution - open access without any costs in a selection of the hybrid and full open access journals of IOP when their article is accepted between 01-01-2023 and 31-12-2025.
  • Participating universities: Twente University , University of Groningen, TU Delft, University of Amsterdam, TU Eindhoven, Maastricht University, Radboud University and Leiden University.
  • See for an overview of included hybrid journals the website of IOP or make use of the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement for your university.
  • Publication types that are part of the deal: research papers, special issue papers and letters.
  • NB. some journals from list B charge additonal fees (page charges or publication fees) not related to open access. These costs are not covered by the agreement.


How does it work?

  • Use preferably your institutional email address and correct affiliation during submission.
  • IOP Publishing will identify articles from eligible corresponding authors during the peer review process.
  • Articles will be published automatically open access with a CC-BY license.
  • See also the instructional submission guide from the publisher.
  • Articles published on a subscription basis, but subsequently identified as eligible can be published open access retrospectively on request of the author.

Website of the publisher.

Meer over IOP Publishing
IOS Press

Publish open access without any costs in all hybrid and full open access journals from IOS Press.


License and conditions:

  • Participating in the agreement are: Erasmus University Rotterdam, VU University Amsterdam, University of Groningen, Radboud University Nijmegen, Leiden University, TU Delft, University of Amsterdam, University of Twente, Maastricht University, Tiburg University and TU Eindhoven (including University Medical Centers).
  • Corresponding authors (teaching/research staff and students) employed/enrolled at participating institutes can publish their articles open access without any costs in all IOS Press open journals.
  • Use the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview of eligible journals or search for a specific journal to see if it is part of the agreement.
  • Publication types that are part of the deal: all article types.


How does it work?

  • Use your institutional email address and institutional network during submission. Make your affiliation clear.
  • When articles are accepted for publishing, open access is the default option. Articles will be published as open access under a CC BY license.


IOS Press' website.

This contract discloses the 'Agreement for Intermediary Services Content'.


Meer over IOS Press

Publish without any costs in all hybrid and full open access journals from Karger.


License and conditions

  • Participating institutions (including University Medical Centers) are: University of Amsterdam (UvA), VU University Amsterdam (VU), University of Groningen (RUG), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Tilburg University (TiU) Utrecht University (UU), Wageningen University (WUR), Maastricht University (UM) and Leiden University (UL).
  • The corresponding author with the publisher must be associated with one of the universities to publish open access without costs.
  • The agreement covers all hybrid and full open access journals from Karger. Use the Open Access Journal browser for an overview or to find a specific journal.
  • Publication types that are part of the deal: all article types.


How does it work?

  • At submission, the corresponding author with the author must select the institution and use the email address of that institution.
  • Affiliated institution will be alerted of your open access funding request and, if the request is approved, your work will be published open access via a CC-BY or CC BY-NC license.

This contract discloses the 'Publish and Read Agreement
SURF and Karger'.

More about Karger

Meer over Karger
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)

Publish without costs in approximately 250 hybrid open access journals from LWW. Note: capped deal!


License and conditions

  • Participating institutes (including University Medical Centers) in this agreement are Utrecht University (UU), Radboud University Nijmegen (RU), University of Groningen (RUG), Leiden University (UL), VU Amsterdam (VU), University of Amsterdam (UvA), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and Maastricht University (UM)
  • Corresponding authors of these institutes (teaching and research staff, students employed/enrolled/otherwise accredited) can publish open access free of charge in approximately 250 hybrid journals of Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (LWW).
  • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to determine if a specific journal is part of the agreement.
  • The agreement applies to the following types of publications: original articles, review articles, case reports.
  • NB. The agreement applies to a maximum number of open access publications per year: 270 in 2024, 273 in 2025 and 276 in 2026. When approaching the maximum, an announcement will appear here.

How does it work?

  • On submission, use your institutional email address and select the correct institutional affiliation; LWW will use this information on acceptance of the publication to check eligibility for open access without any costs.
  • Your publication will be published open access with a CC BY license by LWW.


More information on the website of LWW.

This contract discluses the 'Publish & Read Agreement between SURF and OVID Technologies'.

Meer over Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
Oxford University Press

Publish without costs in almost 368 hybrid and full open access journals by OUP. Note: capped deal!


License and conditions

  • Publish without costs in 368 hybrid and full open access journals by OUP.
  • See this list for an overview of the included journals or use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement.
  • All Dutch universities (including the University Medical Centers), except for TU Delft and TU Eindhoven, are participating in this agreement.
  • Corresponding authors must be affiliated with one of the Dutch universities.
  • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original research, review articles, brief reports, case reports and clinical research.
  • In 2024, all participants together are allowed to publish a maximum of 733 articles. In 2025, they are allowed to publish 707 articles, and in 2026, 680. When the maximum is about to be reached, a notification will be placed here.
  • Please note that if color charges apply, these are not covered by the deal and must be paid by the author.

How does it work?

  • The corresponding author logs on to Author Services of OUP.
  • After acceptance of the article choose via OUP’s online licensing and payment system, Author Services for an open access license.
  • By then choosing for refer charges you make sure that the costs will be paid by the pre-payment account of the Dutch universities.
  • The university to which the corresponding author is affiliated has to approve this request.
  • A step by step instruction is available on the website of the publisher.

More information can be found on the website of Oxford University Press.


This contract discloses the Consortium Current Content Agreement.

Meer over Oxford University Press
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Publish open access without any costs in 57 hybrid and full OA journals from this publisher.


License and Conditions

  • The agreement applies to 57 hybrid and full OA journals from RSC. You can find out which titles are eligible in the Open Access Journal Browser.
  • The open access deal applies to corresponding authors from AMOLF and the Dutch universities (including University Medical Centres), except for Erasmus University (EUR), Open University (OU), and Tilburg University (UVT).
  • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original research, edge, feature and concise articles, (critical) review articles, opinion and paper, perspective, communication, technical innovation and notes (and more, please contact your open access experts for more information).

How does it work?

Use the email address of your own institution!

  • The author of an accepted article will receive an email with a link to the RSC license system.
  • On this page you will find all information about the publication that was submitted when submitting. You cannot change this information at this time. That is possible later in the production process.
  • If you click on "Start", you will automatically be identified as an author of an institution that has a Read and Publish that corresponds to RSC. This is done based on your institutional email address.
  • You will then be taken to a page on which you can choose either "Standard publication" or "Gold open access publication". Choose "Gold open access publication" here. If you don't, you will be informed in a pop-up that the university has arranged an open access publishing option for you at no extra cost. On the page you will see costs; you don't have to take these into account. These costs are waived.
  • In the next step you can choose a Creative Commons License. Choose CC-BY as it is the preferred choice by most universities and funders.
  • Do not forget to agree to the terms of the chosen license.
  • You will then receive a confirmation that your institution has already paid for the Article Processing Charges (APC).
  • You will then see an overview page on your screen with all the information you have provided.
  • You click on "Confirm and Finish" to complete the process
  • See the workflow documentation for explanation.

Info about RSC Read & Publish deals.

This contract discloses the 'Publish and Read Agreement SURF and The Royal Society of Chemistry'.

Meer over Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Publish without any costs open access in 900+ hybrid journals and with a 20% discount in the full open access journals.


License and conditions

  • Corresponding authors must be affiliated to a Dutch university or their University Medical Center.
  • The agreement covers: Original Papers, Review Papers, Brief Communications, Continuing Education, Case Reports, Letters to the editor and Invited Letters. Articles published as part of commercially sponsored supplements are excluded from this agreement. Articles published in society owned titles, where permission is not granted by the owner society are also excluded.
  • Valid for publications entered into SAGE’s production system during the term of this agreement. Open access discounts cannot be claimed after publication.
  • 100% discount on open access article processing charge for 932 Hybrid OA SAGE Premier 2022 collection.
  • For the 211 SAGE Pure Gold OA journals a 20% reduction on open access publishing costs is automatically applied.
  • Use the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview or to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement.


How does it work?

  • Sage will recognize the corresponding author as a researcher of a Dutch university, based on e-mail affiliation and selected institution. Authors should therefore use their institutional email address.
  • Upon acceptance of the article for publication in a SAGE Choice journal, the corresponding author receives an email from SAGE with the request to complete a form and return it immediately. The publisher will send you a personal message with a request to fill out a form and send it by return mail. The article is made open access without cost if SAGE receives the form in a timely manner. The form asks for a code, but you do not have to fill it out. Articles cannot be made open access after publication.
  • The 20% discount (VSNU agreement discount) for publication in SAGE's Pure Gold Access Journal will automatically be applied to the author processing charge when the corresponding autor is recognized as affiliated to a Dutch university.

See the SAGE website for more information.

This contract discloses the 'Publish and Read Agreeement Surf and Sage Publications 2025-2026'.

Meer over SAGE

Publishing open access in 2,000 hybrid journals at no cost to the author. Note: capped deal!


License and conditions

  • Articles by corresponding authors from Dutch universities (including University Medical Centers) will be published in open access, at no cost to the author.
  • The agreement applies to more than 2,000 hybrid journals within the Springer OpenChoice programme, with the exception of titles from learned societies, BioMedCentral and SpringerOpen.
  • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement
  • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original research articles, review articles, brief communication,  continuing education.
  • Note that this agreement covers a maximum of 2,067 publication per year. 


How does it work?

  • At article acceptance you will be asked to confirm your affiliation by choosing it in the “Special Affiliation” drop-down menu and agree to the open access copyright and license terms.
  • The selected institute will verify your affiliation.

More information on Springers website.


This contract discloses the 'Springer UKB-SURF agreement 2024-2026'.

Meer over Springer
Taylor & Francis

Cost free open access publishing in Open Select (hybrid open access) journals from Taylor & Francis for Dutch universities. Note: capped deal!


License and conditions

  • All Dutch universities (including University Medical Centers) are part of this agreement.
  • Corresponding authors of these institutes (teaching and research staff, students employed/enrolled/otherwise accredited) can publish open access free of charge in almost 2200 hybrid (Open Select) journals of Taylor & Francis.
  • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement.
  • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original papers and review papers.
  • NOT covered are: editorials, announcements and book reviews.
  • Please note that there is a maximum of 1451 open access publications per year for this agreement. When the maximum is about to be reached, a notification will be placed here.


How does it work?

  • Use your institutional email address and select the correct institutional affiliation in the submission/publishing workflow of Taylor & Francis.
  • After the publisher has accepted the paper, the corresponding author will be invited to publish in open access.
  • See the workflow documentation for further explanation.


More information on the website of Taylor & Francis

See also the workflow documentation.

This contract discloses the 'Read & Publish Agreement'.

Meer over Taylor & Francis
The Company of Biologists

Corresponding authors of participating universities can publish open access without any costs in three journals of The Company of Biologists.


License and conditions:

Authors (corresponding authors) of participating universities can publish open access without any costs according to the following scheme:

Five-journal package (Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology, Disease Models & Mechanisms, Biology Open):

  • Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • The Netherlands Cancer Institute
  • University of Amsterdam
  • University of Groningen
  • Utrecht University
  • Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Three-journal package (Development, Journal of Cell Science, Journal of Experimental Biology):

  • Leiden University
  • Maastricht University
  • Radboud University
  • Wageningen University & Research Centre

Publication types that are part of the deal:

  • Research Articles


How does it work?

  • At submission: use your institutional email address and select your correct affiliation, follow the instructions and select – already in this stage – that the article will be published ‘Gold Open Access’ with use of a ‘Read & Publish fee waiver’.
  • At acceptance: fill in the Publication Agreemeent. Login to the Rightslink System and select ‘Seek funding from [name institution]’, check your information and send the request for approval.
  • The article will be published with a CC BY license.
  • See the publisher’s website for a more elaborate explanation of the procedure.

More information on the publisher's website.

Meer over The Company of Biologists

Corresponding authors of participating universities can publish without any costs in 34 hybrid and 60 full open access Thieme journals.



License and conditions:

  • All Dutch universities (including the University Medical Centers) – with exception of Twente University, Tilburg University and the Dutch Royal Library – are participating in this agreement.
  • Corresponding authors (teaching/research staff and students) employed/enrolled at participating institutes can publish their articles open access without any costs in the selected journals.
  • All of Thieme’s English language hybrid and all full open access journals are part of the agreement. See this overview.
  • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original papers and review papers, brief communications, continuing education, case reports, letters to the editor and invited letters.

How does it work?

  • Use your institutional email address or (up to date) ORCID to make your affiliation known when submitting an article. In this stage Thieme will determine eligibility for cost free open access.
  • Submitted articles that are part of the agreement will be published cost free open access with a CC BY license after acceptance.
  • An overview of the journal's manuscript submission websites can be found on the Thieme – Instruction for authors page.

More information on the Thieme's  website.

This contract discloses the 'Agreement for Intermediary Services Content'.

Meer over Thieme
Walter de Gruyter

Publish without costs in more than 300 hybrid and full open access journals from Walter de Gruyter.


License and conditions

  • University of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam  University of Groningen, Radboud University Nijmegen, Erasmus University Rotterdam, TU Delft, TU Eindhoven, Tilburg University, Utrecht University, Wageningen University, Maastricht University and Leiden University (including University Medical Centers) are part of this agreement.
  • Publish without costs in 294 hybrid, 109 full open access and 16 S2O journals.
  • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a journal is part of the agreement.
  • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original research article, review article, original article, opinion, short communication, case report, editorial, work group report, book review, letter to editor, congress abstract.

How does it work?

  • Walter de Gruyter uses the CCC RightsLink platform
  • Corresponding authors have to use their institutional emailaddress during submission.
  • After choosing the open access option a notification will tell you that the APC is covered by your institution.
  • The article will be published open access with a CC-BY license after acceptance.

See for additional information the Walter de Gruyter website.

This contract discloses the Read & Publish Agreement SURF - Walter de Gruyter 2023-2025.

    Meer over Walter de Gruyter

    Publish without costs in over 1.300 hybrid open access journals from Wiley.


    License and conditions

    • Authors of the Dutch Universities (including University Medical Centres) and the KNAW can publish without costs in 1.317 hybrid open access journals by Wiley.
    • Wiley's full open access journals are NOT covered in this agreement.
    • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement.
    • For the publisher, the responsible corresponding author, is the author who submits the article to the journal and corresponds with the publisher during the publication process. Only this author can receive the discount. He or she doesn't have to be the first author.
    • Publication types that are part of the deal: Primary research and review articles, including – but not limited to – original articles, case studies, reviews (excluding book reviews) and short communications. For more information please ask your university open access contact.

    How does it work?

    • Once your article is accepted, register or log-in to Wiley Author Services. On your Author Dashboard in Author Services, click ‘Order OnlineOpen’. If your request is approved, you will receive a confirmation mail.

    • Use the email address of your institution at any time when having contact with Wiley and during the submitting process. Wiley uses this address to detect if you are eligible for this deal. In doing so during the submitting process you will get the information you need to make the publication available in open access without additional costs.

    More information on the Wiley website and see the flyer 'How to Order OnlineOpen'.


    This contract discloses the 'Amendment to Consortium Wiley Read and Publish Agreement'.

    This contract discloses the original 2021-2023 'Consortium Wiley Read and Publish Agreement'.

    Meer over Wiley
    Er zijn geen deals gevonden
    Publisher License details and conditions Deal duration
    American Chemical Society (ACS)

    Publish open access without any costs in all hybrid and full open access journals from this publisher.


    Note: The details of the new agreement with this publisher are currently being worked out. In the meanwhile you can continue publishing open access without any costs in the hybrid journals, the full open access journals wil not be part of the new agreement. Contact the open access specialists at your institute if you have any questions.

    License and conditions

    • The agreement covers all hybrid and full open access journals from ACS. Use the Open Access Journal browser for an overview or to find a specific journal.
    • All new articles will be published in full open access with no additional costs for the authors.
    • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original research articles, review articles.
    • A corresponding author participating in the open access program must be associated with a Dutch university or organization.
    • The list of participating ACS-members contains all Dutch universities (including Academic Medical Centers), with the exception of Erasmus University and Tilburg University. Other partners include the FOM-institute AMOLF and Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW).

    How does it work?

    • At submission, the corresponding author must select the institution and use the email address of that institution.
    • Authors whose articles are accepted by ACS, will be automatically granted an ACS Author Choice Open Access Licence CC-BY-NC-ND.​
    • ​If an author does not use an email address of his/her institution, or does not pick the proper institution from the drop down list, the article will not be published open access.
    • ​Did something go wrong or do you want to make an already published article open access? Contact your open access liaison ​for support. The liaison will ask SURFmarket to request a repair action with ACS. This is possible until three months after acceptance.

    More information on the ACS website and the ACS Flyer

    Update your ACS profile. Short instruction.


    This Contract disclosed the 'ACS Online Products Institional Access Agreement'.

    Meer over American Chemical Society (ACS)
    Amsterdam University Press (AUP)

    Publish open access without costs in the Subscribe to Open (S2O) journals from this publisher.


    Gegevens licentie:

    • These institutions particpate in the agreement: Radboud University, Groningen University, University of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam, Utrecht University, Tilburg University, Leiden University and Open Universiteit.
    • As of 2023 the publisher shall switch at least one title (of selected titels) to the Subscribe to Open (S20) model annualy.
    • Open access publishing in the S2O journals from the publisher is cost free, also for authors from institutions that do not participate in this agreement.
    • See for an overview of the S2O journals the website of Amsterdam University Press or make use of the Open Access Journal Browser.

    Hoe werkt het?

    • Subscribe to Open (S2O) is a model for publishers to convert subscription journals to open access in which subscribers who hold on to their subscriptions support this transition. See for more information the AUP website.

    This contract discloses the 'Bemiddelingsovereenkomst content tussen SURF & Amsterdam University Press 2022-2024.

    Meer over Amsterdam University Press (AUP)

    Authors of four universities can publish open access in 64 journals of this publisher without any costs.


    Note that the value of the specified yearly APC Waiver Cap for this year has been reached. Corresponding authors of participating universities and UMC’s are no longer able to publish open access without additional costs. This agreement will not be continued in 2022.


    License and conditions:

    • Participating members of this agreement are University of Amsterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Groningen and VU Amsterdam (including University Medical Centers).
    • The agreement covers 64 journals of BMJ.
    • Authors (corresponding) of participating universities can publish without any costs open access in these journals within the value of the specified yearly APC Waiver Cap.
    • Publication types that are part of the deal: all article types.

    How does it work?

    • Use your institutional email address during submission and do this preferably from the institutional network.
    • Use the drop down menu to select your affiliation (university).
    • Once BMJ has verified the affiliation the article will be open access without any costs upon acceptance.

    More information on the BMJ website.


    This Contract discloses the 'BMJ Consortia OA Waiver Agreement'.

    Meer over BMJ

    Publish without any costs open access in a total of 317 hybrid and full open access Brill journals


    Note: The details of the new agreement with this publisher are currently being worked out. In the meanwhile you can continue publishing open access without any costs. Contact the open access specialists at your institute if you have any questions.

    License and conditions:

    • Publish without any costs open access in a total of 317 hybrid and full open access Brill journals starting January 1st 2020.
    • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement.
    • Correspondering authors (teaching/research staff and students) employed/enrolled at participating institutes can publish their articles open access without any costs.
    • Publication types that are part of the deal: original research articles, review articles.
    • Eligible institutions  (including University Medical Centers) are: University of Amsterdam (UvA), VU University Amsterdam (VU), University of Groningen (RUG), Radboud University Nijmegen (RU), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Tilburg University (UvT), Utrecht University (UU), Wageningen University (WUR) and Leiden University (UL).
    • With the University of Maastricht a different agreement has been made regarding open access. For more information contact the University Library.


    How does it work?

    • Use your institutional email address and institutional network during submission. Make clear that you are affiliated with an eligible institute.
    • The article will be published open access after acceptance without any costs.
    • Another possibility is contacting Brill directly at to request to make a publication open access.

    More information on the Brill website.


    This contract discloses the 'Brill Agreement for Intermediary Services Content'.

    Meer over Brill

    Free publishing for the first 50 articles and discount from the 51st onwards.


    License and conditions

    • Publications published, as of 1 January 2017, in one of the 38 international Brill journals â€‹on Law can be published in open access with no additional costs for the first 50 articles.
    • From the 51st article onwards the fee is €1.400 (30% discount).
    • The corresponding author must be associated with one of the eligible Dutch universities.
    • Eligible institutions are: University of Amsterdam (UvA), VU University Amsterdam (VU). TU Delft (TUD), University of Groningen (RUG), Radboud University Nijmegen (RU), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Tilburg University (UvT), Utrecht University (UU), Wageningen University (WUR) and Leiden University (UL).
    • With the University of Maastricht a different agreement has been made regarding open access.

    How does it work?

    • The corresponding author can select 'open access' during the acceptation process.
    • Corresponding authors have to use their institutional email address or ORCID during submission.
    • Another possibility is contacting Brill directly at to request to make a publication open access.



    More info on Brills page.

    This Contract discloses the 'Agreement to the Intermediary Services'

    Meer over Brill
    Cambridge University Press

    Hybrid as well as full open access journals are included in this deal.



    License and conditions

    • There is an agreement with Cambridge University Press to publish open access without any costs in more than 370 hybrid and full open access journals. Search the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a journal is part of the agreement.
    • The agreement applies to all Dutch universities (including the university medical centres) and KNAW.
    • Corresponding authors (teaching/research staff and students employed/enrolled) of participating institutes can publish open access without any costs.
    • Publication types that are part of the deal: original research articles, review articles, rapid communication, brief Reports, case reports.
    • NB. Please note that there is a maximum of 1500 cost free open access publications in total for this agreement. When the maximum is about to be reached, a notification will be placed here.
    • Renewal of the open access publishing agreement for 2024 is in the final stage of negotiation. In the meantime corresponding authors can continue publishing their article open access without additional costs.


    How does it work?

    • Corresponding authors must use their institutional email address during submission.
    • After an article has been accepted, the corresponding author may indicate under which affiliation he/she submitted the article; CUP will know that the author is entitled to remission.
    • Cleck the 'Apply Discount' button confirm open access publication.

    More information on the website and in this powerpoint of Cambridge University Press.

    This contract discloses the 'Contract form for supply of products to SURF'.

    Meer over Cambridge University Press
    Cambridge University Press

    Hybrid as well as full open access journals are included in this deal.


    NB. Details of a new agreement with this publisher are worked out at this moment. Open access publishing services as part of the former consortium deal will be continued in the meantime.


    License and conditions

    • There is an agreement with Cambridge University Press to publish open access in more than 360 hybrid and full open access journals. Search the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a journal is part of the agreement.
    • The agreement applies to all Dutch universities, except Wageningen University (WUR).
    • Corresponding authors (teaching/research staff and students employed/enrolled) of participating institutes can publish their articles open access without any costs.
    • Publication types that are part of the deal: original research articles, review articles, rapid communication, brief Reports, case reports.


    How does it work?

    • Corresponding authors must use their institutional email address during submission.
    • After an article has been accepted, the corresponding author may indicate under which affiliation he/she submitted the article; CUP will know that the author is entitled to remission.
    • Cleck the 'Apply Discount' button confirm open access publication.


    More information about agreement on the publisher's website.


    This Contract discloses the 'Contract form for supply of products to Surfmarket'. See also the 'Addendum' on the contract for 2020.

    Meer over Cambridge University Press

    No publishing costs for Dutch authors in more than 2200 'hybrid' and full open access journals.



    License and conditions

    • All accepted articles by corresponding authors of Dutch universities ( including University Medical Centres), NWO and the KNAW in the selected journals by Elsevier are eligible for open access publication without extra cost.
    • Publication types that are part of the agreement: Full Length Article, Review Article, Short Communication, Case Report, Data, Micro-article, Original Software Publication, Practical Guideline, Protocol, Replication Study, Short Survey, Video. Other publication types as Letters, Editiorals and Discussions are currently NOT part of the agreement but can instead be made freely available under 'promotional access' on request by the author(s) by contacting
    • N.B. New journals are included in the agreement several times. The APC discount conditions only apply to these journals if articles are submitted after date of inclusion. Search for a journal in the Open Access Journal Browser to see after which date an article must have been submitted to be eligible for a full APC discount.

    How does it work?

    • Indicate in the publication stage (author journey) of your article that your research was conducted at a Dutch university, a NWO or KNAW research institute, or a university of applied sciences. 
    • Indicate that you opt for a CC-BY license.
    • See the workflow documentation for further explanation.
    • Then choose the Gold Open Access option.


    More info on the publisher's website.

    More info about the workflow.


    This contract discloses the “Open Science Platform Products and Services Agreement”.



    Meer over Elsevier
    Emerald Publishing group

    Publish free of charge in all Emerald full open access journals and a selection of hybrid journals.


    License and conditions

    • All Dutch universities (including University Medical Centers) are part of this agreement. 

    • Emerald has a maximum amount of vouchers available annually for free of charge open access. In 2024 this maximum is set at 101 articles. When the annual maximum has been reached, a message will be displayed here.

    • University affiliated (teaching and research staff, students employed/enrolled/otherwise accredited) corresponding authors can publish open access free of charge in some hybrid and all full open access journals.

    • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original articles, review articles.

    • Attention: publication in a hybrid journal is only covered under the agreement if the corresponding author's university subscribes to that journal. This differs per university.

    • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement for your university.

    • If there are no vouchers left or a hybrid journal is not part of the agreement, a 10% discount can be claimed by affiliated corresponding authors on the payment of the open access fee.


     How does it work?

    • At submission, use your institutional email address and select the correct institutional affiliation.

    • Upon submission corresponding authors are required to indicate that they want to make their article open access via a mandatory yes/no question.

    • See for more information Emerald's support page about 'Open Access publishing agreements'.


    Emerald's Open Access publishing agreements page.

    For more info, please download the flyer: 'OA Voucher Leaflet'.


    This contract discloses the 'Publish and Read Agreement SURF and Emerald 2021-2023 with Addendum 2024'.  

    Meer over Emerald Publishing group
    Emerald Publishing group

    Vouchers can be used for publication in open access of one article in all journals issued by Emerald. The vouchers are valid for hybrid as well as full open access journals.


    NB. Details of a new agreement with this publisher are worked out at this moment. Open access publishing services as part of the former consortium deal will be continued in the meantime. However, journals that are part of the deal may change when an institution decides to make changes in the journals that are part of the deal. For more information: contact your library.


    License and conditions

    • Emerald will issue 57 open access vouchers to authors at participating Dutch universities in 2020.
      NB. the 2020 vouchers are used up. Please check with your OA contactperson at the library if there are (other) possibilities to make your publication open access.

    • Vouchers can be used to publish an article open access in all of Emerald’s hybrid and fully open access journals in addition to the  Emerald Open Research Platform.

    • Vouchers are only available to use within journals that the participating Institutions subscribe to. Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement.
    • Every year each of the 14 participating Dutch universities receive one extra voucher to use for publication on the Emerald Open Research Platform (EOR)
    • Unused vouchers cannot be taken forward to the next year.


     How does it work?

    • Upon submission corresponding authors are required to indicate that they want to make their article open access via a mandatory yes/no question.

    • Eligible authors are identified by their institutional email address or ORCID.
    • A list of the eligible institutions and more information can be found on Emerald’s Open Access Partnerships page.

    Emerald open access partnership page.


    For more info, please download the flyer: 'OA Voucher Leaflet'. 


    This contract discloses the 'Agreement for Intermediary Services (Licensed Material) and its associated Schedules'.  

    Meer over Emerald Publishing group
    Emerald Publishing group

    This publisher offers vouchers for open access publishing.


    License and conditions

    • Emerald will issue 30 open access vouchers to authors at Dutch universities in 2017 and in 2018: 45 vouchers. 
    • These vouchers can be used for all journals issued by Emerald and can be requested via the open access contact person at the library of the respective institute before the acceptance of the article.

    How does it work?

    Emerald open access partnership page.

    Meer over Emerald Publishing group
    IOP Publishing

    Corresponding authors of participation universities can publish open access without any costs in the 58 hybrid journals of this publisher.



    License and conditions:

    • Corresponding authors of participation universities (including University Medical Centers) can publish - dependent on the agreement/list - open access without any costs in a selection of hybrid open journals of IOP when their article is accepted between 01-01-2021 and 31-12-2022.
    • List A (44 journals): Twente University , University of Groningen, TU Delft and University of Amsterdam.
    • List A en B (56 journals): TU Eindhoven. 
    • List A, B en C (58 journals): Maastricht University and Radboud University.
    • See for an overview of included hybrid journals per list the website of IOP or make use of the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement for your university.
    • Publication types that are part of the deal: research papers, special issue papers and letters.
    • NB. some journals from list B charge additonal fees (page charges or publication fees) not related to open access. These costs are not covered by the agreement.


    How does it work?

    • Use preferably your institutional email address and correct affiliation during submission.
    • IOP Publishing will identify articles from eligible corresponding authors during the peer review process.
    • Articles will be published automatically open access with a CC-BY license.
    • Articles published on a subscription basis, but subsequently identified as eligible can be published open access retrospectively on request of the author.

    Website of IOP Publishing

    Meer over IOP Publishing
    IOS Press

    Publish open access without any costs in all hybrid and full open access journals from IOS Press.


    License and conditions:

    • The agreement with IOS Press is effective starting January 1st 2019. All journals in this list are part of the agreement. Use the Open Access Journal Browser to search for a specific journal.
    • Corresponding authors (teaching/research staff and students) employed/enrolled at participating institutes can publish their articles open access without any costs in IOS Press journals.
    • Publication types that are part of the deal: all article types.
    • Participating in the agreement are: Erasmus University Rotterdam, VU University Amsterdam, University of Groningen, Radboud University Nijmegen, Leiden University, University of Amsterdam, University of Twente, Unversity of Maastricht, Tiburg University and TU Eindhoven (including University Medical Centers).


    How does it work?

    • Use your institutional email address and institutional network during submission. Make your affiliation clear.
    • When articles are accepted for publishing, open access is the default option. Articles will be published as pen access under a CC-BY-NC 4.0.



    To be sure that your open access request is not missed in the workflow of IOS Press, you are requested to send an email (preferably from your institutional email address) to: Please state the article reference number of your submission, the eligible institution you are affiliated with, and include 'NL Agreement' In the subject line of the email.

    IOS Press' website

    This contract discloses the 'Agreement for Intermediary Services Content'

    Meer over IOS Press

    Publish without any costs in all hybrid and full open access journals from this publisher.



    License and conditions

    • Participating institutions (including University Medical Centers) are: University of Amsterdam (UvA), VU University Amsterdam (VU), University of Groningen (RUG), Radboud University Nijmegen (RU), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), Tilburg University (TiU) Utrecht University (UU), Wageningen University (WUR), Maastricht University (UM) and Leiden University (UL).
    • The corresponding author with the publisher must be associated with one of the universities to publish open access without costs.
    • The agreement covers all hybrid and full open access journals from Karger. Use the Open Access Journal browser for an overview or to find a specific journal.
    • Publication types that are part of the deal: all article types.


    How does it work?

    • At submission, the corresponding author with the author must select the institution and use the email address of that institution.
    • ​Affiliated institution will be alerted of your open access funding request and, if the request is approved, your work will be published open access via a CC-BY or CC BY-NC license.
    • Questions? Please contact your open access specialists.

    This contract discloses the 'Publish and Read Agreement
    SURF and Karger'.

    Meer over Karger

    No publishing fee in all journals for authors of 10 Dutch universities.


    Note: The details of the new agreement with this publisher are currently being worked out. In the meanwhile you can continue publishing open access without any costs. Contact the open access specialists at your institute if you have any questions.

    License and conditions

    • Ten university libraries have an agreement with Karger.
    • Researchers affiliated with those institutions may publish at no additional cost in all Karger journals as corresponding author.
    • Publication types that are part of the deal: all article types.


    How does it work?

    • Verification must be done by the participating institutions within three days after Kargers sends them a mail.
    • Authors automatically give a CC-NC-ND 4.0.license.

    See Kargers website and select Netherlands in the pulldown menu to see which universities are involved.


    This contract discloses “the License Details page including Attachment 1, Customer and Licensee Information and The Product Terms including Schedules”.

    Meer over Karger

    No publishing fee in all journals for authors of 9 Dutch universities.


    License and conditions

    • Nine university libraries have an agreement with Karger.
    • Researchers affiliated with those institutions may publish at no additional cost in all Karger journals as corresponding author.

    How does it work?

    • Verification must be done by the participating institutions within three days after Kargers sends them a mail.
    • Authors automatically give a CC-NC-ND 4.0.license.

    See Kargers website and select Netherlands in the pulldown menu to see which universities are involved.


    This contract discloses “the License Details page including Attachment 1, Customer and Licensee Information and The Product Terms including Schedules”.

    Meer over Karger
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)

    Publish without costs in moret than 300 hybrid open access journals from LWW.


    License and conditions

    • Participating institutes (including University Medical Centers) in this agreement are Utrecht University (UU), Radboud University Nijmegen (RU), University of Groningen (RUG), Leiden University (UL), VU Amsterdam (VU), University of Amsterdam (UvA), Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and Maastricht University (UM)
    • Corresponding authors of these institutes (teaching and research staff, students employed/enrolled/otherwise accredited) can publish open access free of charge in more than 300 of Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (LWW).
    • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out of a specific journal is part of the agreement.
    • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original articles, review articles, case reports.
    • Please note that there is a maximum of 300 open access publications per year for this agreement. When the maximum is about to be reached, a notification will be placed here.
    • Renewal of the open access publishing agreement for 2024 is in the final stage of negotiation. In the meantime corresponding authors can continue publishing their article open access without additional costs.


    How does it work?

    • On submission, use your institutional email address and select the correct institutional affiliation; LWW will use this information on acceptance of the publication to check eligibility for open access without any costs.
    • Your publication will be published open access with a CC BY license by LWW.

    More information on the website of LWW.

    This contract discluses the 'Publish & Read Agreement between SURF and OVID Technologies'.

    Meer over Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
    Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)

    Waiver codes for open access without any costs in more than 200 hybrid LWW journals.


    NB. Details of a new agreement with this publisher are worked out at this moment. Open access publishing services as part of the former consortium deal will be continued in the meantime.


    License and conditions

    • The agreement covers: Original and review articles, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, full case reports and series.

    How does it work?

    • LWW will recognize the corresponding author as a researcher of a Dutch university, based on e-mail affiliation; authors should therefore use their institutional email address.
    • Once the article is accepted for publication, the author is requested by LWW to request an APC waiver code via the university library contact. This code can be used in the LWW payment system, which allows you to publish open access free of charge. See for more information the documentation.

    Additional information can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions by LWW  and the documentation on how to use the 'waiver code'.


    This Contract discloses 'Agreement for Intermediary Services Content' 

    Meer over Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
    Oxford University Press

    Publish without costs in almost 350 hybrid open access journals by OUP.



    License and conditions

    • Publish without costs in 348 hybrid open access journals by OUP.
    • See this list for an overview of the inlcuded journals or use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out of a specific journal is part of the agreement.
    • All Dutch universities (including the University Medical Centers), except for TU Delft and TU Eindhoven, are participating in this agreement.
    • Corresponding authors must be affiliated to one of the Dutch universities.
    • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original research, review articles, brief reports, case reports and clinical research.
    • Yearly all participants together are allowed to publish a maximum of 760 articles. When the maximum is about to be reached, a notification will be placed here.


    How does it work?

    • The corresponding author logs on to Author Services of OUP.
    • After acceptance of the article choose via OUP’s online licensing and payment system, Author Services for an open access license.
    • By then choosing for refer charges you make sure that the costs will be paid by the pre-payment account of the Dutch universities.
    • The university to which the corresponding author is affiliated has to approve this request.
    • A step by step instruction is available on the website of the publisher.

    More information can be found on the website of Oxford University Press.


    This contract discloses the Consortium Current Content Agreement.

    Meer over Oxford University Press
    Oxford University Press

    The agreement for publishing in open access is put into action for 2019 and 2020 for around 322 hybrid journals of OUP.


    NB. Details of a new agreement with this publisher are worked out at this moment. Open access publishing services as part of the former consortium deal will be continued in the meantime.


    License and conditions

    • The agreement for publishing in open access is put into action for 2019 and 2020 for around 322 hybrid journals of OUP.
    • Corresponding authors of all Dutch universities and UMC’s can make use of it, except authors from TU Delft and TU Eindhoven.
    • Corresponding authors must be affiliated to one of the Dutch universities.
    • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original research, review articles and clinical research.
    • Yearly all participants together are allowed to publish a maximum of 760 articles.


    How does it work?

    • The corresponding author logs on to Author Services of OUP with his personal credentials.
    • After acceptance of the article he chooses via OUP’s online licensing and payment system, Author Services for an open access license.
    • By then choosing for refer charges you make sure that the costs will be paid by the pre-payment account of the Dutch universities.
    • The university to which the corresponding author is affiliated has to approve this request.

    More information is available on the website of Oxford University Press.


    This Contract discloses the 'Consortium Current Content Agreement (annual)'.

    Meer over Oxford University Press
    Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    Publish open access without any costs in 37 hybrid journals from this publisher.



    License and Conditions

    • The agreement applies to 37 hybrid journals from RSC. You can find out which titles are eligible in the Open Access Journal Browser.
    • The open access deal applies to corresponding authors from the Dutch universities (including University Medical Centres), except for Erasmus University (EUR), Open University (OU), Leiden University (UL), Tilburg University (UVT) and Maastricht University (UM).
    • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original research, edge, feature and concise articles, (critical) review articles, opinion and paper, perspective, communication, technical innovation and notes (and more, please contact your open access experts for more information).

    How does it work?

    Use the email address of your own institution!

    • The author of an accepted article will receive an email with a link to the RSC license system.
    • On this page you will find all information about the publication that was submitted when submitting. You cannot change this information at this time. That is possible later in the production process.
    • If you click on "Start", you will automatically be identified as an author of an institution that has a Read and Publish that corresponds to RSC. This is done based on your institutional email address.
    • You will then be taken to a page on which you can choose either "Standard publication" or "Gold open access publication". Choose "Gold open access publication" here. If you don't, you will be informed in a pop-up that the university has arranged an open access publishing option for you at no extra cost. On the page you will see costs; you don't have to take these into account. These costs are waived.
    • In the next step you can choose from two Creative Commons Licenses (CC-BY or CC-BY-NC). Choose CC-BY as preffered by most universties and funders.
    • Do not forget to agree to the terms of the chosen license.
    • You will then receive a confirmation that your institution has already paid for the Article Processing Charges (APC).
    • You will then see an overview page on your screen with all the information you have provided.
    • You click on "Confirm and Finish" to complete the process
    • See the workflow documentation for explanation.

    Info about RSC Read & Publish deals.

    This contract discloses the 'Publish and Read Agreement SURF and The Royal Society of Chemistry'.

    Meer over Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
    Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

    The agreement applies from 1 January 2019 for 37 hybrid journals.


    Note: The details of the new agreement are currently being worked out. In the meanwhile the agremeent will be continued under the conditions of the previous agreement.

    License and Conditions

    • The agreement applies from January, 1st, 2019 for 37 hybrid and 3 open access journals. You can find out which titles are eligible in the Open Access Journal Browser.
    • The open access deal applies to corresponding authors from the Dutch universities, except for Leiden University, Tilburg University and Maastricht University.
    • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original research articles, review, paper, perspective, communication.

    How does it work?

    Use the email address of your own institution!

    • The author of an accepted article will receive an email with a link to the RSC license system.
    • On this page you will find all information about the publication that was submitted when submitting. You cannot change this information at this time. That is possible later in the production process.
    • If you click on "Start", you will automatically be identified as an author of an institution that has a Read and Publish that corresponds to RSC. This is done based on your institutional email address.
    • You will then be taken to a page on which you can choose either "Standard publication" or "Gold open access publication". Choose "Gold open access publication" here. If you don't, you will be informed in a pop-up that the university has arranged an open access publishing option for you at no extra cost. On the page you will see costs; you don't have to take these into account. These costs are waived.
    • In the next step you can choose from two Creative Commons Licenses (CC-BY or CC-BY-NC). Choose CC-BY.
    • Do not forget to agree to the terms of the chosen license.
    • You will then receive a confirmation that your institution has already paid for the Article Processing Charges (APC).
    • You will then see an overview page on your screen with all the information you have provided.
    • You click on "Confirm and Finish" to complete the process
    • See the workflow documentation for explanation.

    General info about RSC

    Info about RSC Read & Publish deals

    This contract unlocks the "Agreement for Intermediary Services Content".

    Meer over Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
    Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 2017

    No open access agreement 2018

    The deal with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) has ended on 31 December 2017. For 2018 negotiations are going on. RSC has suspended the discount and the deals for open access free of charge with the universities of Eindhoven, Delft and Leiden. Dutch researchers of all universities have to pay the full open access amount (APC) until an agreement is reached on this point. It is uncertain when that will be.

    Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) 2015-2016
    • Gold for Gold is a scheme established by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) that rewards all institutions that subscribe to RSC Gold subscription package with vouchers to make articles open access, free of charge. 11 of the 14 Dutch universities are using the Gold 4 Gold vouchers.
    • Researchers who want to use one, please contact the open access within your university.

    Publish without any costs open access in 900+ hybrid journals and with a 20% discount in the full open access journals.



    License and conditions

    • Corresponding authors must be affiliated to a Dutch university or their University Medical Center.
    • The agreement covers: Original Papers, Review Papers, Brief Communications, Continuing Education, Case Reports, Letters to the editor and Invited Letters. Articles published as part of commercially sponsored supplements are excluded from this agreement. Articles published in society owned titles, where permission is not granted by the owner society are also excluded.
    • Valid for publications entered into SAGE’s production system during the term of this agreement. Open access discounts cannot be claimed after publication.
    • 100% discount on open access article processing charge for 918 SAGE Choice journals.
    • For the 186  SAGE Pure Gold open access journals a 20% reduction on open access publishing costs is automatically applied.
    • Use the Open Access Journal Browser for an overview or to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement.


    How does it work?

    • Sage will recognize the corresponding author as a researcher of a Dutch university, based on e-mail affiliation and selected institution. Authors should therefore use their institutional email address.
    • Upon acceptance of the article for publication in a SAGE Choice journal, the corresponding author receives an email from SAGE with the request to complete a form and return it immediately. The publisher will send you a personal message with a request to fill out a form and send it by return mail. The article is made open access without cost if SAGE receives the form in a timely manner. The form asks for a code, but you do not have to fill it out. Articles cannot be made open access after publication.
    • The 20% discount (VSNU agreement discount) for publication in SAGE's Pure Gold Access Journal will automatically be applied to the author processing charge (APC) when the corresponding autor is recognized as affiliated to a Dutch university.

    See the SAGE website for more information.

    This contract discloses the 'Publish and Read Agreeement Surf and Sage Publications 2022-2024'.

    Meer over SAGE

    Publish without any costs open access in 900+ hybrid journals and with a 20% discount in the full open access journals.



    Note: The details for a new agreement are currently under negotiation. In the meantime the agremeent will be continued under the conditions of the previous agreement.

    License and conditions

    • Corresponding authors must be affiliated to a Dutch university or their University Medical Center.
    • The agreement covers: Original Papers, Review Papers, Brief Communications, Continuing Education, Case Reports, Letters to the editor and Invited Letters.
    • Valid for publications entered into SAGE’s production system during the term of this agreement. Open access discounts cannot be claimed after publication.
    • 100% discount on open access article processing charge for 875 SAGE Choice journals.
    • For the 160+  SAGE Pure Gold open access journals a 20% reduction on open access publishing costs is automatically applied.


    How does it work?

    • Sage will recognize the corresponding author as a researcher of a Dutch university, based on e-mail affiliation and selected institution. Authors should therefore use their institutional email address.
    • Upon acceptance of the article for publication in a SAGE Choice journal, the corresponding author receives an email from SAGE with the request to complete a form and return it immediately. The publisher will send you a personal message with a request to fill out a form and send it by return mail. The article is made open access without cost if SAGE receives the form in a timely manner. The form asks for a code, but you do not have to fill it out. Articles cannot be made open access after publication.
    • The 20% discount (VSNU agreement discount) for publication in SAGE's Pure Gold Access Journal will automatically be applied to the author processing charge (APC) when the corresponding autor is recognized as affiliated to a Dutch university.




    See the SAGE website for more information.

    This contract discloses the 'Agreement for Intermediary Services Content'.

    Meer over SAGE

    Publish without costs in over 700 journals.


    ​License and conditions

    • Corresponding authors from VSNU Netherlands universities will have their article made open access free of charge to the author.
    • 100% discount on their open access article processing charge for 786 SAGE Choice journals
    • For publications in one of the 40 journals of learned societies partnered with the publisher, SAGE will ask the society for permission to grant 100% discount on open access publishing costs. 
    • Publication in SAGE’s Pure Gold open access journals is not included in the agreement. Instead, a 20% reduction on open access publishing costs is offered. A special code is required for this. See 'How does it work?' below.
    • The agreement covers: Original Papers, Review Papers, Brief Communications, Continuing Education, Case Reports, Letters to the editor and Invited Letters.
    • Editorials, announcements, sponsored supplements and book reviews are excluded from the deal.

    How does it work?

    • Sage will recognize the corresponding author as a researcher of a Dutch university, based on e-mail affiliation. Authors should therefore use their institutional email address.
    • Upon acceptance of the article for publication in a SAGE Choice journal, the corresponding author receives an email from SAGE with the request to complete a form and return it immediately. The publisher will send you a personal message with a request to fill out a form and send it by return mail. The article is made open access without cost if SAGE receives the form in a timely manner. The form asks for a code, but you do not have to fill it out. Articles cannot be made open access after publication.
    • To request the 20% discount for publication in SAGE's Pure Gold Access Journal, a special code is required. You can ask your library for this code. The code is requested at the time of payment of the APC. Depending on the journal, the author must answer the payment email with the code stating the VSNU agreement or, if the system allows, enter the code into the payment system and automatically apply the code. After publication, the discount can no longer be claimed.

    SAGE published this information of the Dutch deal.


    This Contract discloses 'Agreement for Intermdiary Services Content' 

    Meer over SAGE
    SAGE 2015-2016
    • Dutch university staff is able to publish open access in 150 selected journals as corresponding author. They will be notified automatically by SAGE on the basis of their email. The domain name of the university has to be present in the email. The notice will include an open access license form. After receiving a filled out form the article will be published with a CC.BY.3.0 license in SAGE choice. 

    • Dutch corresponding authors are able to receive a substantial discount. In 2016 they can publish their article for 200GBP/375USD in open access in other SAGE journals. Do you want to be eligible for this discount? Please send a standard license form to the editor of the journal after your publication has been accepted on whick you notify her/him that you want to publish in open access- SAGE Choice. You will be sent the SAGE Choice OA license. to use this discount, you have to fill in code "UKB90" on the SAGE Choice form.

    More information on the SAGE OA-website and the VSNU website.

    Link to the contract (this version of the contract discloses “the License Details page including Attachment 1, Customer and Licensee Information and The Product Terms including Schedules”).

    Meer over SAGE

    Publishing open access in 2,000 hybrid journals at no cost to the author.



    License and conditions

    • Articles by corresponding authors from Dutch universities (including University Medical Centers) will be published in open access, at no cost to the author.
    • The agreement applies to more than 2,000 hybrid journals within the Springer OpenChoice programme, with the exception of titles from learned societies, BioMedCentral and SpringerOpen.
    • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement
    • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original research articles, review articles, brief communication,  continuing education.
    • Note that this agreement covers a maximum of 2,067 publication per year.
    • Renewal of the open access publishing agreement for 2024 is in the final stage of negotiation. From the first of January 2024 onwards corresponding authors can again publish their article open access without additional costs.

    How does it work?

    • At article acceptance you will be asked to confirm your affiliation by choosing it in the “Special Affiliation” drop-down menu and agree to the open access copyright and license terms.
    • The selected institute will verify your affiliation.

    More information on Springers website.

    This contract discloses the 'License Details including Attachment 1, Customer and Licensee Information and The Product Terms including Schedules'.

    Meer over Springer
    Springer 2017

    License and conditions

    • Articles by corresponding authors from Dutch universities and the KNAW will be published in open access, at no cost to the author.
    • The agreement applies to some 1,700 journals within the Springer OpenChoice programme, with the exception of titles from learned societies, BioMedCentral and SpringerOpen.
    • There is a maximum of 2,200 items. If this number is reached will terminate the agreement and items will no longer be eligible for open access.

    How does it work?

    • At article acceptance you will be asked to confirm your affiliation by choosing it in the “Special Affiliation” drop-down menu and agree to the open access copyright and license terms.
    • The selected institute will verify your affiliation.


    More information on Springers website.

    Meer over Springer
    Springer 2015-2016
    • Articles by corresponding authors from Dutch univerities and the KNAW will be published in open access, at no cost to the author.
    • The agreement applies to some 1,700 journals within the Springer OpenChoice programme, with the exception of titles from learned societies, BioMedCentral and SpringerOpen.

    More information on the Springer website.

    Meer over Springer
    Taylor & Francis

    Cost free open access publishing in more than 2200 hybrid open access journals from Taylor & Francis for Dutch universities.


    License and conditions

    • All Dutch universities (including University Medical Centers) are part of this agreement.
    • Corresponding authors of these institutes (teaching and research staff, students employed/enrolled/otherwise accredited) can publish open access free of charge in 2242 hybrid (Open Select) journals of Taylor & Francis.
    • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original papers and review papers.
    • NOT covered are: editorials, announcements and book reviews.
    • Please note that there is a maximum of 1451 open access publications per year for this agreement. When the maximum is about to be reached, a notification will be placed here.

    How does it work?

    • Use your institutional email address and select the correct institutional affiliation in the submission/publishing workflow of Taylor & Francis.
    • After the publisher has accepted the paper, the corresponding author will be invited to publish in open access.
    • See the workflow documentation for further explanation.

    More information on the website of Taylor & Francis

    See also the workflow documentation.

    This contract discloses the 'Read & Publish Agreement'.

    Meer over Taylor & Francis
    Taylor & Francis

    Free of charge publishing in 2,300 hybrid journals, under the CC-license of your choice.


    NB. Details of a new agreement with this publisher are worked out at this moment. Open access publishing services as part of the former consortium deal will be continued in the meantime.


    License and conditions

    • The agreement is valid for original research papers about 2.300 Taylor & Francis and Routledge hybrid journals.
    • Corresponding authors connected to a Dutch university or University Medical Hospital will be able to publish open access free of charge in these journals.

    How does it work?

    • After the publisher has accepted the paper, he will invite the corresponding author to publish in open access.
    • Select the Creative Commons license of your choice.


    * Please note that in 2018 there is a publication cap of 1448 articles; in 2019 of 1449 articles; in 2020 of 1551 articles. When we reach a 100 articles below the maximum there will be a notification on this website. 

    More information on Taylor & Francis' website.

    More information about the workflow.


    This contract discloses “the License Details page including Attachment 1, Customer and Licensee Information and The Product Terms including Schedules”.

    Meer over Taylor & Francis
    Taylor & Francis 2016-2017

    License and conditions

    • The agreement is valid for original research papers about 2.300 Taylor & Francis and Routledge hybrid journals.
    • Corresponding authors connected to a Dutch university or University Medical Hospital will be able to publish open access free of charge in these journals.

    How does it work?

    • After the publisher has accepted the paper, he will invite the corresponding author to publish in open access.
    • Select the Creative Commons license of your choice.

    More information on Taylor & Francis' website.

    Link to the contract (this version of the contract discloses “the License Details page including Attachment 1, Customer and Licensee Information and The Product Terms including Schedules”).

    Meer over Taylor & Francis
    The Company of Biologists

    Corresponding authors of participating universities can publish open access without any costs in three journals of The Company of Biologists.



    License and conditions:

    • Participating members of this agreement are Leiden University, Radboud University, University of Amsterdam, University of Groningen, Utrecht University, Wageningen University and VU Amsterdam (including University Medical Centers).
    • Authors (corresponding authors) of participation universities can publish open access without any costs in the journals Development, Journal of Cell Science and Journal of Experimental Biology.
    • Publication types that are part of the deal: research articles.


    How does it work?

    • At submission: use your institutional email address and select your correct affiliation, follow the instructions and select – already in this stage – that the article will be published ‘Gold Open Access’ with use of a ‘Read & Publish fee waiver’.
    • At acceptance: fill in the Publication Agreemeent. Login to the Rightslink System and select ‘Seek funding from [name institution]’, check your information and send the request for approval.
    • The article will be published with a CC BY license.
    • See the publisher’s website for a more elaborate explanation of the procedure.

    More information on the publisher's website.

    Meer over The Company of Biologists

    The agreement is valid for 52 journals for the universities of Leiden, Groningen, Amsterdam (UvA), Eindhoven and Maastricht.



    The contract with Thieme is extended for 2021 under the same conditions.

    License and conditions

    • The agreement is valid for 52 journals for the universities of Leiden, Groningen, Amsterdam (UvA), Eindhoven and Maastricht (including University Medical Centers).
    • Corresponding authors of these institutions receive a discount of 25% on the APC. They do not pay  € 2,500, but  € 1,875 for open access publication of their article.

    How does it work? 

    • Fill in the form connected to your university and send it to the publisher, together with the manuscript.

    More information on Thiemes site

    This Contract discloses the 'Agreement for Intermediary Services Content'

    Meer over Thieme
    Walter de Gruyter

    Publish your article open access without any cost in 305 hybrid journals and with a 20% discount in the full open access journals from Walter de Gruyter.



    License and conditions

    • University of Amsterdam, VU University Amsterdam  University of Groningen, Radboud University Nijmegen, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Tilburg University, Utrecht University, Wageningen University and Leiden University (including University Medical Centers) are part of this agreement.
    • Articles can be published open access without any costs in 305 hybrid journals and with a 20% discount in the full open access journals of Walter de Gruyter.
    • All journals in this list are part of the agreement (tab 1 – hybrid / tab 2 – full OA).
    • The agreement is applicable to a maximum of 440 hybrid articles in total during the three year period.
    • Publication types that are part of the agreement: original research article, review article, original article, opinion, short communication, case report, editorial, work group report, book review, letter to editor, congress abstract.

    How does it work?

    • Walter de Gruyter uses the CCC RightsLink platform
    • Corresponding authors have to use their institutional emailaddress during submission.
    • After choosing the open access option a notification will tell you that the APC is covered by your institution.
    • The article will be published open access with a CC-BY license after acceptance.

    Walter de Gruyters website.


    This contract discloses the 'Agreement for Intermediary Services Content'

    Meer over Walter de Gruyter
    Walter de Gruyter

    A 90% discount on publishing in hybrid journals.


    License and conditions

    • Nine Dutch universities take part in this deal. The universities of Eindhoven, Maastricht, Tilburg and Wageningen are excluded.
    • Effective 1st January 2016, corresponding authors affiliated with an institution that takes part in the agreement may publish primary research and review articles in open access in any of De Gruyter’s hybrid journals at a discount of 90% of the APC price.
    • When submitting the article the author pays nothing. At the beginning of the next license year Walter de Gruyter provides participating institutions an overview of published articles in open access. Walter de Gruyter then calculates 10% of the setting. This invoice is paid by the participating institutions.
    • Effective 24th of January 2017, all Dutch universities are members of the open access Institutional membership. Under the terms of the agreement the members are entitled to benefit from a 20% discount on open access fees for pure open access publications. The portfolio consists of over 500 open access peer-reviewed journals, books and bookchapters.

    How does it work?

    • Upon submitting the article the author should use the email domain of the institution. Walter de Gruyter first checks whether an author is eligible to publish the article in open access (i.e., whether the institution has a subscription used in the journal and if the corresponding author uses the email domain of the institution). The publisher then askes to confirm the affiliation by sending an mail to the institution's open access contact person.

    Walter de Gruyters website.


    This Contract discloses the 'Agreement for Intermediary Services Content'

    Meer over Walter de Gruyter

    Publish without costs in over 1.400 hybride open access journals from Wiley.



    License and conditions

    • Authors of the Dutch Universities (including University Medical Centres) and the KNAW can publish without costs in 1.418 hybrid open access journals by Wiley.
    • Wiley's full open access journals are NOT covered in this agreement.
    • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement.
    • Corresponding authors (teaching/research staff and students employed/enrolled) of participating institutes can publish their articles without any costs open access.
    • Publication types that are part of the deal: Primary research and review articles, including – but not limited to – original articles, case studies, reviews (excluding book reviews) and short communications. For more information please ask your university open access contact.

    How does it work?

    • Once your article is accepted, register or log-in to Wiley Author Services. On your Author Dashboard in Author Services, click ‘Order OnlineOpen’. If your request is approved, you will receive a confirmation mail.

    • Use the email address of your institution at any time when having contact with Wiley and during the submitting process. Wiley uses this address to detect if you are eligible for this deal. In doing so during the submitting process you will get the information you need to make the publication available in open access without additional costs.


    Mor information on the Wiley website and see the flyer 'How to Order OnlineOpen'.


    This contract discloses the 'Consortium Wiley Read and Publish Agreement'.

    Meer over Wiley

    This deal applies to 1,400 hybrid journals.


    NB. Details of a new agreement with this publisher are worked out at this moment. Open access publishing services as part of the former consortium deal will be continued in the meantime.


    License and conditions

    • An agreement between Dutch universities and Wiley starts as of 4 March 2016 on open access publishing in 1400 hybrid journals.
    • Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement.
    • Corresponding authors of Dutch universities should indicate, when their article has been accepted, that the article must be published in open access. This goes without extra charges for the authors.
    • Wiley also publishes 60 full open access journals; those are not covered in this agreement.
    • Corresponding authors (teaching/research staff and students employed/enrolled) of participating institutes can publish their articles without any costs open access.
    • Publication types that are part of the deal: original research articles, review articles.


    How does it work?

    • Once your article is accepted, register or log-in to Wiley Author Services. On your Author Dashboard in Author Services, click ‘Order OnlineOpen’. If your request is approved, you will receive a confirmation mail.

    • Use the email address of your institution at any time when having contact with Wiley and during the submitting process. Wiley uses this address to detect if you are eligible for this deal. In doing so during the submitting process you will get the information you need to make the publication available in open access without additional costs.

    Mor information on the Wiley website and see the flyer "How to Order OnlineOpen".


    This contract discloses the 'Wiley Online Journals License'. See also the contract 'Amendment to Wiley online agreement' for 2020.

    Meer over Wiley


    For more specific information contact one of the open access contacts at your university and those responsible for the verification of authors in the submission process for universties and university medical centers.


    This list has been carefully composed. However, is not reponsible for, and expressely disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained with this title list. While the information contained within the site is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this webpage is correct, complete, and up to date.