Copyright is a key consideration when making your work open access.
The particular aspect of copyright that is relevant for your publication depends on which route to open access you are using and at what stage of the publication process you are.
Copyright considerations also differentiate between different versions of a scientific work:
- Preprint: This version is the original submission to a journal; it has not yet been peer-reviewed.
- Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM): This version, also known as the Postprint, has been accepted for publication but not yet formatted for the journal.
- Published Version: Also known as the Version of Record, this is the final version of an article. The published version will have a DOI from the journal.
For more information on copyright issues in academic publishing, see this video featuring Dirk Visser, Professor of Intellectual Property Law at Leiden University and Martijn Katan, Professor of Nutrition at the Free University Amsterdam:
Note: The new link to SURF's website on copyright is: