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08 Oct 2015

Open Access Week 2015 in the Netherlands

During the International Open Access Week (October 19 – October 23 2015) also Dutch academic institutions will organize several activities to bring attention to open access. Below an overview of the events.

Monday October 19

Amsterdam:  symposium Connecting data for research

This congress will focus on good practices concerning the collecting, structuring, visualising and sharing of research data
-    from 9:00 to 17:30 hrs.
-    institutions and researchers from all disciplines are welcome;  is required.
The symposium is a joint initiative of Leiden University, de University of Amsterdam, Free University Amsterdam, DANS-KNAW and SURF and is subsidized by OpenAIRE2020 and Foster Open Science-project.

Nijmegen: national debate Open Access : Who takes the plunge?

​A discussion about open access between stakeholders, moderation by Martijn van Calmthout, scientific editor at De Volkskrant 
-    from 12.00 to 14.00
-    the event is open to all, but registration is required. Unable to attend? Follow the livestream.

Tuesday October 20

Tilburg: symposium “Maximize your research impact”

​-    half-day event led by Marc van den Berg, director of Library and IT Services, Tilburg University. 
-    participation is free of charge but subject to registration. Initially, the meeting is for Tilburg researchers and staff, but when you are interested in joining us, please send an email to

Utrecht: a series of workshops on open access and open data

-    the workshop series is aimed specifically at researchers from Utrecht University to familiarize them with the do’s and don’ts of open access.
-    during lunchtime. 

Also on Thursday October 22.

Wednesday October 21

Maastricht: seminar What journal to publish in?

-    speakers will go into the criteria and tools that will authors help to choose the right journal to publish in. Attention is also given to new ways to increase the (societal) impact of their paper(s) 
-    from 10.00 to 12.00 hrs  
-    meant for researchers of Maastricht University. The seminar is fully booked, a waiting list is available.

Thursday October

Groningen:  symposium Research without paywalls - Chances and challenges of open access in the humanities and social sciences.

-    presentations and panel discussion about open access in the humanities and social sciences. Keynote speaker is Martin Paul Eve (founder Open Library of Humanities). Scholars of uit Groningen and Utrecht share their experiences en present their open access journals. 
-    from 13.30 to 18.00 hrs
-    participants outside Groningen are welcome, admission is free.

Amsterdam (VU): seminar ‘How to publish a world-class paper. Everything you always wanted to know about scientific publishing’  

-    experienced researchers and a publisher illuminate the publication process and address the questions that beginning writers come across
-    from  13.00 to 17.00 hrs.
-    meant for VU researchers; seminar is already fully booked, but also be followed by live stream.

And further

  • Delft gives attention to open access by giving publicity to the 250st grant of the Open Access Fund Delft and the new look&feel of the Repository Delft.  Moreover Delft as Dutch partner in OpenAIRE provides posters about Open science/open access. The posters are freely available on this website.
  • Wageningen brings out a special issue on the news letter on the occasion of the Open Access Week.  
  • Nijmegen has published an infographic of the most important open access activities and developments at the RU. The infographic will be distributed at the start of the week.
  • Rotterdam and Twente will organize several activities in the first half of 2016, also in the context of the Dutch presidency of the EU, which has Open Science as guiding theme.
  • Scholars are urged to score open access journals in QOAM during the Open Access Week.