Publishing open access in 2,000 hybrid journals at no cost to the author.
Springer 2024-2026
Licence data
Publisher: | Springer |
Deal duration: | 2024-2026 |
Status licence: |
License and conditions
- Articles by corresponding authors from Dutch universities (including University Medical Centers) will be published in open access, at no cost to the author.
- The agreement applies to more than 2,000 hybrid journals within the Springer OpenChoice programme, with the exception of titles from learned societies, BioMedCentral and SpringerOpen.
- Use the Open Access Journal Browser to find out if a specific journal is part of the agreement
- Publication types that are part of the agreement: original research articles, review articles, brief communication, continuing education.
- Note that this agreement covers a maximum of 2,067 publication per year.
How does it work?
- At article acceptance you will be asked to confirm your affiliation by choosing it in the “Special Affiliation” drop-down menu and agree to the open access copyright and license terms.
- The selected institute will verify your affiliation.
More information on Springers website.
This contract discloses the 'Springer UKB-SURF agreement 2024-2026'.