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04 Jun 2020

Who will win the Dutch Data Prize 2020?

On the 18th of November the Dutch Data Prize will be awarded to a researcher or research group who makes extra contributions to science by making research data available for (additional) research. In order to win this prize, researchers can nominate themselves or another researcher or research group.

The Dutch Data Prize is awarded in three categories: humanities & social sciences; exact & technical sciences and medical & life sciences. You can nominate until July 1st 2020.

The Dutch Data Prize is an initiative of Research Data Netherlands (RDNL), a national coalition of data archives: 4TU.ResearchData, SURFsara and DANS. Partners of the Dutch Data Prize 2020 are: National Coordination Point LCRDM, netherlands eScience Center, Dutch Digital Heritage Network, OpenAIRE, DTL and UKB working group Research Data.

For more information about the Dutch Data Prize 2020 and the nomination criteria visit the website of RDNL.