Update of data management protocol of NWO
Starting from 1st January 2020, NWO will update its data management protocol. The basic principles will remain. Researchers need to carefully manage data resulting from NWO-funded research and prospectively plan for data sharing and preservation. The guiding principle is that research data should be as open as possible, as closed as necessary. To ensure that data optimally benefits the wider research community and society, data should be made findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR).
In 2019, NWO launched an initiative for the voluntary international alignment of research data management policies together with Science Europe. This initiative resulted in the Science Europe Data Management Plan Core Requirements and criteria for the selection of trustworthy repositories.
For all grants awarded from the 1st of January 2020, a new data management plan (DMP) template will apply. This template is in line with Science Europe’s Core Requirements for Data Management Plans and it will better support researchers in ensuring that their data are FAIR.
See the website of NWO for more information and all changes.