The Netherlands National Open Science Festival goes online
The current rise in COVID-19 infections in the Netherlands has led to the decision that the rescheduled National Open Science Festival will take place in an online setting on February 11th, 2021. The Festival will include interactive hybrid panels, 12 community led sessions, two pre-festival workshops in the morning, an online marketplace and virtual social drinks.
- For the full programme, see here.
- To register: see here.
- To nominate someone for the Open Initiatives Trophy, see here.
Meet | Share | Inspire | Care
The National Open Science Festival provides researchers the opportunity to learn about the benefits of various Open Science practices. It is a place to meet peers that are already working openly or that are interested to start doing so. Key to this day is sharing knowledge and best practices. Lots of different sessions will be hosted by various peers from all over the Netherlands. You don’t need to have extensive knowledge of Open Science to attend; there will also be sessions for those who simply want to know more about the different aspects of Open Science, its drivers and its barriers.
Additionally, the following sessions will be organised in our online series in the months leading up to the Festival:
November 26th - 15:00 - 16:15 +afterwards #OSmeetupNL drinks
The importance of data pre-processing
Presented by Maximilian Primbs (Radboud University) & Leonhard Volz (University of Amsterdam)
This session will explore how data pre-processing influences the outcome of a statistical test. After a short introduction, the focus will lie on hands-on exploration of data via a custom-made easy to use Shiny App. Participants get a sense of the impact these pre-processing choices have on the effect of analyses and may even win a small prize for an outstanding analysis. The experience will be contextualised via the results of a related study and the implications for reporting methods and results will be discussed.
Registration is open here.
January 14th, 2021 - 10:00 -16:00 + afterwards #OSmeetupNL drinks
Open Science Barcamp
Organised in cooperation with the Dutch Open Science Communities
It will be the first Open Science Barcamp in the Netherlands. This event is based on the successful format of Open Science Barcamp Berlin.
What is a Barcamp?
A Barcamp is a one day event with no predetermined program – the topics of all sessions are determined on the spot. Our online venue (Gather.Town) consists of an interactive 2D environment with virtual avatars, one big plenary room, several smaller break-out rooms, and space to hang out and socially interact with others. During the plenary sessions, anyone can grab the mic and propose a topic for a break-out session. Next, you can join any of those break-out sessions and get to work!
Registration is open here.
And a recap of earlier sessions can be found here.
This festival is organized in the context of the National Programme Open Science. Originally, the Festival was supposed to be hosted by Wageningen University and Research on August 27th, 2020.
The Organisational Committee is led by the NPOS project ACCELERATE OPEN SCIENCE Fostering initiatives that promote Open Science in the Netherlands.