The national portal NARCIS provides access to 630,000 open access publications
More than 630,000 scientific open access publications are now accessible through the scholarly portal NARCIS, including more than 250,000 journal articles, 136,000 reports and more than 58,000 theses. The publications can be found in 33 repositories of Dutch universities, Dutch Academy KNAW, funding organisation NWO, and other scientific institutes, such as the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE), the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), TNO, Nivel - The Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, and 25 Universities of Applied Sciences (affiliated with the HBO Kennisbank).
Content NARCIS
NARCIS provides an overview of more than 1.8 million publications that are also available full-text for a large part of the researchers via the subscriptions of the university libraries. In addition, NARCIS provides access to almost 270,000 (open) datasets of 12 data archives (including EASY from DANS), as well as descriptions of research projects, researchers (including all professors and associate professors) and research institutes.
Charts about the content
The content of NARCIS is shown in a number of charts:
• Open and closed access scientific publications in NARCIS per publication year
• Open and closed access articles in NARCIS per publication year
• Open access for different publication types
• Open access for dissertations
• Open access for articles
• Open access of articles, for different universities
NARCIS is a core service of Data Archiving and Networked Services - DANS - and is created in close consultation with the institutions involved. DANS is an institute of KNAW and NWO.
Addendum, July 2023: NARCIS is no longer available. As of July, 2023, it has been replaced by the Netherlands Research Portal on OpenAIRE CONNECT.