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29 Sep 2015

Radboud University organizes debate

“Open Access: Who Takes the Plunge?”

On Monday 19 October 2015 during lunchtime (12.00 pm- 2.00 pm) Radboud University organizes during the Open Access Week 2015 a debate about open access. The theme will be adressed from different points of view. As well the perspective of the researcher, editor in-chief,  phd as the university administrator will comment on it.

Martijn van Calmthout, executive scientific editor at Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant, will be moderator.

The discussion will be held in English. Admission is free, but don't forget to register.

If you are unable to attend, you can follow the debate by means of a live stream.

More information is available on the website of Radboud Reflects, the organizer of the event.