'Open up to open access!' campaign
Today the campaign 'Open up to open access' starts. The goal is to inform researchers about open access and its possibilities for their research. It has become extremely simple to make publications freely accessible. Without any additional cost articles can be published in open access in many journals from major publishers. What are the advantages and how does it work?
During the past two years, universities have made agreements with publishers including Springer, Taylor & Francis and Elsevier about funding open access publishing. So far, more than 7.000 titles including over 4.000 with an impact factor are covered by these big deals. In addition, there are numerous other journals and repositories in which open access publishing is possible at no additional cost. Consequently, open access publishing with ease in a favourite journal has become possible in many cases!
Open access publishing encourages the recirculation of knowledge in both science and education, health care, public administration and other fields. Meanwhile, thanks to open access citizens gain the right to obtain high quality information for free.
Publishing open access is very simple:
1. Determine the journal of choice (title list)
2. Submit an article
3. When submitting indicate the wish to publish open access
For more information about the possibilities of open access publishing or help with an open access publication? Reach out for the contact person at one of the university libraries for help.
Open up to open access and put research out there in the scholarly world!