Open access to 800,000 scientific publications through NARCIS
In collaboration with universities and other research institutions, NARCIS now provides open access to more than 800,000 scientific publications.
TU Delft Library’s repository team has recently been responsible for passing the 800,000 mark. Over 52,000 TU Delft publications can be found through NARCIS, almost all of them open access publications.
The more than 800,000 open access publications include 332,000 journal articles and more than 87,000 dissertations. They come from all Dutch universities, HBO-Kennisbank (publications deposited by 26 universities of applied sciences), KNAW, NWO, and other scientific institutions including RCE (archaeological reports), TNO, RIVM, NIVEL, and SWOV. In all, 38 repositories are involved. To date, more than 14,000 open access publications have already been published in 2020, most of them articles.
Link with Unpaywall
For a large number of ‘closed access’ publications, NARCIS indicates whether they are available as open access items elsewhere. For this purpose NARCIS has integrated an Unpaywall service, as indicated by the Unpaywall logo shown with the DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Clicking the logo will display any information available at Unpaywall, thus showing whether the publication is open access elsewhere.
In addition to giving access to publications, NARCIS contains more than 266,000 sets of research data and provides an overview of research, researchers, and scientific institutions in the Netherlands.