Now in NARCIS: over 760.000 scientific publications open access available
Over 760,000 scientific publications are now open accessible in NARCIS.
Among these open access publications there are 310,000 journal articles, 144,000 reports and more than 84,000 dissertations. Over 48,000 open access publications date from 2019. The publications are available in repositories of all Dutch universities, KNAW, NWO and other scientific institutions, such as RCE Archaeological reports, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, TNO, RIVM, NIVEL, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research (SWOV), and HBO Kennisbank (26 universities of applied sciences), in total 37 institutes.
In addition, more than 258,000 research data can be found via NARCIS. These datasets are largely open data, or immediately available after logging in. The data sets come from 18 data archives, including EASY from DANS, 4TU.Centre for Research Data, SURF Data repository and Wageningen University & Research Center.
Recently, access to the software is available through the repository of the Netherlands eScience Center, and some other institutions.