No agreement between VSNU and Oxford University Press
The Dutch universities and Oxford University Press (OUP) have been unable to reach a new agreement for access to academic journals. The key priority in the negotiations for VSNU (the Association of Universities in the Netherlands) was facilitating the transition to open access, without Dutch scholars having to pay double. OUP made a proposal to the Dutch universities without affordable open access. The universities are unable to agree to this.
As a result Dutch academics will have no access to articles published from 1 May 2017 onwards in online OUP-journals. They will continue to publish in the journals.
Negotiations open access
The VSNU is acting as negotiator on behalf of all Dutch universities. Universities will only seek to renew agreements to subscriptions under the condition that publishers work towards the transition to open access. The fact that OUP is currently unable to take this step is regrettable. Fortunately this is an exception, given the general trend towards open access.
More information on the VSNU website.