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15 Aug 2016

New EC guidelines research data in Horizon 2020

The EC published its new guidelines on research data originating from Horizon 2020 projects, that participate in the Open Research Data Pilot.

New is that a single Data Management Plan (DMP) should be written for the whole research project and not one DMP per dataset. Also the researchers have to work according to the so-called FAIR data principles, in other words the data must be: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.

As already known, from 2017 the Open Research Data Pilot applies to all H2020 projects and not only for research projects in certain fields. However, opting out is still one of the possibilities. The reasons for opting out should be given in the DMP.

The new guidelines can be found on the EC website: "Guidelines on FAIR Data management in Horizon 2020" (July 26, 2016).

The OpenAIRE 2020 website provides more information about the Open Research Data Pilot in Horizon 2020.