International Open Access Week 2019 - activities in the Netherlands
The International Open Access Week 2019 will be held this year from October 21-27 with the theme 'Open for Whom. Equity in Open Knowledge'. Also in the Netherlands, a number of open science activities wil be organized in or around this week. The list of activities below will continue to grow in the coming weeks. Registration of activities is possible via an e-mail to the editors.
14 - 17 October 2019
Leeuwarden’s libraries: Open Science, Open Mind
This year, Leeuwarden’s libraries (the libraries of Van Hall Larenstein, NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, dbieb and Tresoar) are actively participating for the first time in the Open Access Week with the event ‘Open Science, Open Mind’. This event consists of various lectures and workshops. All lectures are free to attend and will be in English. Reception with coffee and tea, after the lectures there is a drink with snacks.
See for the programme and registration the website of the Leeuwarden's Libraries.
17 October 2019
Lectures & Hands on workshops.
Open science is a much debated topic. Are you tired of talking about Open Science, and ready to start putting it into practice? Then come to this seminar with lectures and workshops, taught by researchers with hands on experience.
Practical information and tools: The speakers will illustrate the benefits of opening up your research practice, but will also prepare you for problems you might come across. Most importantly, they will give you practical information and tools to apply to your own research projects.
Data ownership, citizen science, standards for open data: Each workshop will focus on a different aspect of open science: data ownership in the humanities, meaningful citizen science, and standards for open data. A common theme in all workshops is that successful open science is often developed by a community of like-minded people. You can participate in one of the three workshops.
All lectures and workshops will be in English. You can find more information here
Tijd: 13:00 - 16:30h
See for more information and registration website of the University Library of the VU.
22 oktober 2019
University of Groningen: Let's talk about... open science research practices
Symposium on open science research practices, such as pre-registration, replication studies and reuse of research data.
Keynote speakers will be Dr. Rachael Ainsworth, Research Associate in astrophysics at the University of Manchester and Open Science Champion for the Interferometry Centre of Excellence, and Dr. Anita Eerland, assistant professor of Language and Communication at Utrecht University and co-founder of the Open Science Community Utrecht.
With contributions from Prof. Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, Dr. Chiara Lisciandra, Maurits Masselink, Dr. Vera Heininga (all Groningen) and the Open Science Community Groningen (OSCG).
Time: 13:30 - 18:00h
Where: Van Swinderen Huys, Groningen
See for more information and registration, the website of the university library.
22 October 2019
Tilburg University: The Big Do-it-Yourself Publishing Event
Some rogues and rebels among our scientists decided to circumvent the power of the established scientific system of truth-making, publishing and reviewing, and to make a radical move towards ‘Open Science’ and ‘Open Access’. They started publishing their scientific papers by themselves. What can we learn from them? How can you join in? What does this all mean for the quality and truthfulness of academic publishing?
A panel of self-publishing scholars will share with the audience their views on Self-Publishing, Open Access, and the future of academic books, articles, and education. Michiel de Jong helps scholars publish their own open textbooks at TU Delft. Jan Blommaert and Ico Maly (both TSHD) will talk about their project focused on writing and producing Open Books. Aaron Martin is a postdoc (TLS) and managing director of TechReg, a brand-new full OA-journal founded at Tilburg University. Rima Rahal (TSB) is a psychologist experimenting with a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), free for anyone to see. Marino van Zelst and Hans van Dijk (both TSB) are venturing to establish a completely new publishing system that radically puts power back in the hands of the scientific community.
Time: 15.00-18.00h, Black Box, Tilburg University
Working language: English.
More information will be available shortly on the website of Tilburg University
25 October 2019
Utrecht University: Discussion meeting of journal editors and the transition to fully open access
With a.o.: Prof. Ludo Waltman (CWTS), Prof. Johan Rooryck (Leiden University, Plan S champion), Prof. Frank Miedema (Chair Open Science Programm UU), Sicco de Knecht (ScienceGuide) and Jeroen Sondervan (Project leader Open Access UU)
Time: 9:30 – 12:30h
Private meeting for editors-in-chief of Utrecht University
25 October 2019
Maastricht University: UM Open Science Event
The UM Open Science Event starts with the official signage of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and a speech on research assessment by the rector Rianne Letschert. This will be followed by showcases of open educational resources, open access publishing and FAIR data at UM.
The event ends with a networking lunch where you will be able to ask questions or share thoughts with fellow scholars and other attendees.
Time: 9:00h - 13:45h
For the programme and registration, see the website of the UM Library.
31 October, 2019
Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS): NARCIS Seminar Advisory Board: An Institutional Perspective to Rescue Scholarly Orphans
As part of the international open access week, the NARCIS Advisory Board is organizing a seminar on 31 October with a presentation by Herbert Van de Sompel: An Institutional Perspective to Rescue Scholarly Orphans. Herbert Van de Sompel is the Chief Innovation Officer at DANS. Previously, the Digital Library Research and Prototyping research team leader was at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (New Mexico, USA).
Time: 9:30 - 11:30h
For more information and registration, please see the DANS website.