DIAMAS landscape study published
On February 1st the European project DIAMAS on institutional/diamond scholarly publishing published their full landscape study. It contains the results of a Europe-wide survey of non-commercial organisations involved in scholarly publishing, both organisations that publish themselves and organisations that support the publishing process. DIAMAS also created country reports. The results provide insight into the size and nature of publishing activities, as well as financial sustainability, use of standards and support of open science practices. All results have published on Zenodo. A quick introduction is available in the form of a recording of the webinar in which the results were presented.
Available on Zenodo are: the full report (240 p.), a summary (30 p.), the complete collection of country reports (228 p.), and the data.
What is the situation in the Netherlands?
According to the country report for the Netherlands, there are 415 Dutch journals registered in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), of which 116 diamond. The 17 Dutch survey respondents - which include both publishers and service providers - are mainly active in the humanities, socials sciences and multidisciplinary publishing. Challenges are mainly found on the technical side of publishing, such as metadata quality, interoperability between services, and indexing. The majority of the respondents indicates being open to more mutual collaboration in these (and other) areas.