DANS event: Open day on Open Science
On March 21 2018 DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services) organizes, together with the Young Academy of the KNAW, Promovendi Netwerk Nederland and the Horizon 2020 project OpenAIRE an "Open day on Open Science" about permanent access to digital research resources. The day will be focussed around research data management, data archiving and data re-use.
In addition to a debate with the Young Academy, the Promovendi Network Nederland and the other attendees about the possible obstacles in sharing and re-using (open) data and the solutions to this, a number of success stories - in 10-minute pitches - will be given in the field of open data. There is also an information market about the services of DANS, including EASY, DataverseNL and NARCIS, and about Horizon 2020 projects like OpenAIRE and EOSCpilot. The afternoon starts with a lunch and ends with a drink.
The day is specially organized for (young) scientists and data librarians.
See for the programme and the presentations the website of DANS.