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03 Jan 2018

Conference National Cooperation in Research Data Management (RDM)

On Thursday 8 February 2018 the Dutch universities will celebrate in Utrecht the results of the first three years of cooperation in the National Coordination Point Research Data Management with a conference, titled National Collaboration in RDM: Celebrating Achievements, Shaping Future Directions.

The programme offers among others an information market, a panel discussion and some presentations. Of course there will be looked back on what has been achieved. But the participants will also brainstorm together on future activities.

The conference will be held in the Geertekerk, Geertekerkhof 23 in Utrecht from 10 am to 6 pm. There is no conference fee, but please register to participate on the website of SURFacademy, where you can also find the programme. The conference will be held in Dutch, but when necessary we will switch to English, just as easy.