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19 Jan 2016

An Academic Spring. Rector Dymph van den Boom about Open Science

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) celebrated its 384th Dies Natalis (anniversary) on Friday, 8 January. In her opening speech, Professor Dymph van den Boom, rector magnificus of the UvA, discussed the consequences of Open Science in her lecture 'An Academic Spring'.

In her perception Open Science is the transition in science as a result of broad access to rapidly increasing volumes of data. Open Science encompasses open educational resources, open access, open peer review, open methodology and open data, and could lead to new ways of collaboration, novel methods of research and a new relationship between science and society. By providing a number of examples, Van den Boom illustrated how Open Science is transforming the scientific process and how it will shape it even further in the coming years.

afb. Folia-UvA