90% of publications based on NWO and ZonMw research funding open access
More and more publications are becoming available in open access. This is a deliberate policy of NWO and ZonMw. By 2021, at least 9 out of 10 publications based on research funded by them will be accessible worldwide without barriers. This is according to a research report by CWTS (Center for Science and Technology Studies). The study was commissioned by the two organisations mentioned.
In 2021, both research funders aligned their open access policies with Plan S and cOAlition S. That choice has paid off.
Some conclusions
- For both institutions, an upward trend is observed over 2021. For NWO 5%; for ZonMw 8% compared to 2020.
- Because of the deals the universities have struck with the major scientific publishers, the share of open access in hybrid journals has increased sharply.
- The universities of Groningen and Leiden score the highest with 84% open access. They are making progressive use of the Taverne Amendment. The Technical University of Twente is also developing well for the same reason.
More information can be found on NWO's site. The CWTS research report can also be found there.