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24 Feb 2022

1 millionth open access publication

A milestone in the Netherlands! NARCIS provides access to over 1 million scientific open access publications! This enormous number has been reached thanks to the researchers in the Dutch scientific institutions, the staff of the repository teams and other open science experts working at the institutions. The 1 millionth publication is provided by the University of Amsterdam (UvA).

38 institutions produce 1 million open access publications

In barely a year's time, the open access database has grown by 100,000 publications. Almost half of the 1 million open access publications are (peer-reviewed) journal articles, and there are also reports, dissertations, conference papers, book chapters, books, etc. The publications can be found in the repositories of Dutch universities, KNAW, NWO and other scientific institutions, such as RCE Archaeological Reports, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, TNO, RIVM, WODC, Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, and HBO-Kennisbank (26 Universities of Applied Sciences), 38 institutions in total.


In addition, more than 354,000 datasets can be found through NARCIS. These datasets are mostly open data, or directly available after logging in. The datasets originate from 35 data archives, including EASY from DANS, The Language Archive, and 4TU.ResearchData. In addition, NARCIS provides access to the research software in the repository of the Netherlands eScience Centre (over 300), and several other institutions.

Overview of experts, research institutions and research projects

NARCIS also provides an overview of professors, associate professors (UHDs), lecturers, research institutions and research projects.

More information

Read more about NARCIS.