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Funder policies

The most relevant Open Access policies of funders in the Netherlands

Open Access funder policies in the Netherlands


Research funding organizations play a vital role in advancing science and academia, providing essential support for conducting research across a wide range of disciplines. These organizations are increasingly driving the shift toward open access by requiring grant recipients to make their research findings freely available.  

Many funders have implemented clear guidelines to ensure compliance and offer financial support for open access publication costs. For researchers affiliated with Dutch universities, the most relevant funding bodies are part of cOAlition S, which aims to accelerate the transition to full open access for scholarly publications.  

In 2018, cOAlition S launched Plan S, a policy that requires researchers funded by these bodies to publish all their work open access with a Creative Commons License. The policy prohibits using grant funds for Article Processing Charges (APCs) in hybrid journals—those that charge both subscription fees and APCs. Instead, grants can only cover APCs for fully open access journals that are transparent about their fees. 

Funders under cOAlition S

These are the most important funding bodies for researchers affiliated with Dutch universities:

  • Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO): NWO follows Plan S and mandates open access for all publicly funded research (NWO Open Access Policy).
  • ZonMw: As part of its commitment to open access, ZonMw, a key funding agency for health research in the Netherlands, also requires open access publication for all its funded projects (ZonMw Open Access Policy). 
  • Horizon Europe: As the successor to Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe follows Plan S principles and requires open access for publications resulting from EU funding. (Horizon Europe Open Access Policy).

Main policies of cOAlition S funders

  • Mandatory Open Access for Research Articles: All peer-reviewed articles resulting from research funded by cOAlition S funders, either the published version (‘Version of Record’) or the author's final manuscript as accepted by the journal (‘Author Accepted Manuscript') must be made freely available in open access with a Creative Commons License.
  • No funds for APCs in Hybrid Journals: cOAlition S does not allow researchers to use grant funds to submit articles to hybrid journals (journals that offer both open access and subscription-based content). They do, however, fund APCs in fully open access journals. 
  • Publishing Books Open Access: cOalitionS recommends that all academic books based on original research that was directly supported with funding from cOAlition S organizations should be made available open access on publication. This is however not a mandate, and each funder is free to adopt their own policy for books and book chapters. For instance, NWO has an Open Access book policy set at 12 months. The European Commission, conversely, has a stricter policy that mandates all books and book chapters to be Open Access without embargo. Most cOAlition S funders have dedicated funds (e.g. NWO Book Fund) to cover Book Processing Charges (BPCs). 
  • Data and Open Science: cOAlition S also supports open science practices, including the open sharing of research data, ensuring that all aspects of research are accessible and reusable by others. 

How can you comply with your funder’s policies?

  • Publish in Fully Open Access Journals: Researchers can use grant funds to publish in journals that are entirely open access, ensuring that they comply with the Plan S requirements. The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a trusted resource to find suitable journals. 
  • Use Open Access Repositories: If publishing in a journal is not possible, researchers can deposit their work in open access repositories, such as institutional repositories or preprint repositories such as arXiv. For NWO-grants awarded before 2021, a preprint is sufficient (i.e. the article as submitted, before peer review). 
  • Publish in Hybrid Journals through our Publisher Deals: Even if cOAlition S funders do not cover APCs in hybrid journals, by publishing immediate open access through the payment an APC, researchers would still comply with their funders. However, since cOAlitionS funders do not cover these charges, researchers should make use of our Publisher Deals
  • Make use of the Rights Retention Strategy. This strategy, developed by cOAlitionS, aims to give researchers the tools to exercise the rights they have on their manuscripts to deposit a copy of the Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM) in a repository on publication and provide open access to it even when submitting to a subscription or hybrid journal. More information can be found on cOAlitionS's website. For researchers funded by NWO and Horizon Europe in particular, this FAQ document provides more detailed information as well as a copy-pasteable Rights Retention statement that should be appended to articles upon submission.

Resources for researchers

Think. Check. Submit.

Think. Check. Submit. is a checklist to help researchers assess whether a journal or publisher is reputable and follows open access policies. 

 Directory of Open Access Journals

The DOAJ is a trusted resource for finding legitimate open access journals. 

Institutional Open Access Support Teams

All Dutch universities have open access teams that provide advice, guidance, and support for researchers.