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Brill has reached an agreement with the VSNU (Association of Dutch Universities) with an important open access component

2016 was the second year in which national agreements with publishers where made in the Netherlands, including an open access component.

The Association of Dutch Universities and SAGE have agreed on a three year deal.

After a successful appeal to the Government Information Act by critical students, the Association of universities in the Netherlands (VSNU

The publisher agreements between Dutch Universities and publishers, with an open access component, has reached a milestone of 2.500 approved arti

The Dutch universities have been in negotiation with publishing house Wolters Kluwer for some time now to secure open access to academic publications by law scholars affiliated with universities i

Via the page Publisher agreements, gives insight into the open access deals arranged between Dutch universities and publishers of

The VSNU and Taylor & Francis Group have reached an agreement on open access.

An agreement has also been concluded with the publishing house Walter de Gruyter.

Publishing open access as a result of the agreement between Dutch universities and publisher Wiley is possible starting March 4th 2016.


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