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  1. Libraries at polytechnicals go green

    ... Libraries (SHB) focuses on the ' green route ' for open access publishing. This way they hope to achieve their scientific publications ...

  2. Final Plan S guidance published by cOAlition S

    ... funders participating in cOAlition S will be published Open Access. In the Netherlands the Dutch Research Council (NWO), including ...

  3. Wim van Saarloos

    ... "Since 1994 I have made my publications immediately open access available by submitting them to arXiv at the time of publication, and I ...

  4. Dutch universities give open access another boost

    The Dutch universities will give open access an extra boost from 2019 by starting a pilot to make publications ... In order to achieve the Dutch ambition of 100% open access in 2020, we have made agreements with many publishers regarding ...

  5. What does academia want?

    ... Information about open access on Dutch university websites            Erasmus ...

  6. Rectores Magnifici share scientific articles in open access

    ... is in keeping with the goal in the Netherlands to be 100% open access by 2020 and is a part of the pilot “You share, we take care”.  ...

  7. Over two million scholarly publications findable via NARCIS

    ... NARCIS now gives access to more than 2 million scientific publications, of which more than 743,000 are open access accessible. Half of the 2 million publications are journal ...

  8. Introducing Rights Retention Strategy FAQ

    ... and European Commission (Horizon Europe) require immediate Open Access with a CC -BY license to all peer-reviewed scholarly publications. To ...

  9. Researcher / author

    ... How can open access benefit you? Open access can boost the visibility, dissemination, use ...

  10. TU Eindhoven opts for green route

    ... Technology (TU/e) has opted for the green route towards open access. As of 1 April 2015, TU/e researchers are required to submit the final ...


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Dutch National website providing information for academics about the advantages of open access to publicly financed research

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