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  1. NWO joins international coalition to accelerate the transition to open access

    ... announced a plan for accelerating the transition to open access. The essence of the plan is that from 1 January 2020 onwards, all ...

  2. Workshop 'Monitoring open access' on 23 May 2018

    ... and Networked Services) organises the workshop 'Monitoring open access' at NWO, room 300. How open is Dutch science? How far are we ...

  3. More than 10,000 articles in open access in 2019

    On February 13, the 10,000th open access article was administered published in the year 2019 within the national ... number has been achieved in a year. Since the very first open access deal at the end of 2014, in addition to paying reading rights ...

  4. Open access agreement with Oxford University Press

    ... have agreed on a new big deal, which also includes open access publishing. This is the first time this publisher has taken this step. ...

  5. 10.000 open access articles for Dutch universities

    At the end of 2014, open access publishing in the Netherlands entered a new phase with the achievement of an open access component in the existing agreement (Big Deal) between the Dutch ...

  6. Towards a system of open access to publications

    ... Innovation Sciences at Universiteit Utrecht, analyses the open access publicatiion culture within the Dutch universities NL ...

  7. offers Open Access refuge for Dutch academic journals

    The KNAW has started building and setting up an Open Access magazine platform: The platform offers Dutch magazines ...

  8. Open access publications 2016

    ... with publishers where made in the Netherlands, including an open access component. Open access publishing has become a more mature part of the ...

  9. Open access figures in the Netherlands

    ... of researchers from Dutch universities have been published open access. They used the new available open access data from Web of Science ...

  10. Open Access deal between Elsevier and Dutch universities extended until december 2019

    ... VSNU and NFU about how to work together toward future Dutch open science infrastructure services. The current contract is public and can ... are included in the current agreement and where open access can be published without extra costs. NL ...


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Dutch National website providing information for academics about the advantages of open access to publicly financed research

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