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NRC article about differing views on open access

Negotiations with Elsevier and Springer about open access publishing have produced different responses, prompting the NRC Handelsblad to publish a...

More details about the Springer deal

Detailed information about the open access agreement between the Dutch universities and Springer is available now. Under the Agreement, all...

Newsletter on Big Deal negotations

Open access is an important, if not crucial part of the current negotiations between VSNU and major publishers about journal...

Agreement with Springer

In December 2014 the Dutch universities have reached an agreement with the publisher Springer on open access publishing for Dutch...

Agreement with Springer about Open Access

Negotiations between VSNU and Springer have yielded an agreement in principle for 2015 and 2016. Instead of a paid subscription...


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Dutch National website providing information for academics about the advantages of open access to publicly financed research

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