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10 Feb 2017

National Plan Open Science presented

On Thursday, February 9, the report National Plan Open Science (NPOS) and the website were both presented in The Hague.

On January 19, 2017, State Secretary of Education Sander Dekker sent a letter to the parliament on the subject of Open Science. In this letter he asks for a broad coalition of stakeholders to jointly develop a National Plan Open Science. The report that has been presented is an important step for the different stakeholders, engaging with scientific research, to create an infrastructure for making science accessible and transparent.

In the letter to the parliament the following three issues are prioritzed in the coming years:

1) aim to publish 100% open access;

2) make possible the optimal reuse of research data;

3) develop matching evaluation and reward systems.

However, the topic of open science is much broader, and where appropriate, other issues will be raised on the new website.

To express their support for the National Plan Open Science, the parties involved, such as The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Association of universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), ZonMw, The Vereniging Hogescholen and many others, on February 9, 2017, signed the Declaration of Open Science. 

The report can be downloaded from the website