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18 Oct 2017

International Open Access Week 2017 - activities in the Netherlands

This year the theme of the International Open Access Week is ‘Open in order to...’. Also in the Netherlands a number of open access/open science activities will be organized.

Erasmus University Rotterdam, University Leiden en TU/Delft organize the seminar 'Publish for Influence' that will take place on November 1st, 13:30h - 16:30h at Erasmus University. Registration is free.

Tilburg University (LIS Research Support) organizes 3 lunch lectures for its own staff on 24/25/26 October. For more information, see the Tilburg University blog.

On 26 October, SURFacademy organizes the seminar 'Verder bouwen aan open science' in Utrecht. This deals with building open, practice-based research. Target group of the seminar is HBO / all involved in practical research.

The library of the University of Amsterdam organizes on 23, 24 en 26 October workshops about ‘Open access publishing’. Target group are the researchers. Als policy advisors, students and teachers are welcome. See for more information and registration the website of the UvA.

DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services) participates in various open science activities:

  • In the week of October 16th, E-data & Research (in Dutch) will be released, containing all kinds of examples about open-access sharing of data and available tools.
  • On October 19th, DANS participates in the closing CESSDA SaW-conference. SaW (Strengthening and Widening) is a project that has consolidated and expanded the consortium of social science data archives (CESSDA). A wider CESSDA provides more open access data within Europe.
  • On 23 and 24 October, the 19e international GreyNet-conference will take place in Rome. GreyNet is engaged in research, publication, open access and education in the field of grey literature. During the conference, Peter Doorn, the director of DANS, will give a presentation about Assessment of the FAIRness of Data Sets in Trustworthy Data Repositories.
  • Marjan Grootveld will host a flipped classroom webinar on 25 October during a serie of webinars about open science organized by OpenAIRE. Anyone who has questions about data management (plans) can submit it to OpenAIRE until October 20. The flipped classroom webinar addresses these questions.
  • On 26 October a workshop will be held on DataverseNL for PhD students at the Leiden University Center for Linguistics. DataverseNL makes it possible to save, share and register research data online during the research period up to the prescribed ten-year period after completion.
  • Marjan Grootveld and Elly Dijk will provide a workshop Open Research Data and Data Management on 27 October for researchers in Latvia. As a coordinator of Research Data Management of the OpenAIRE 2020 project, which supports the open access policy of the European Commission, DANS will talk about sharing of research data at this workshop.

On Tuesday 24 October the University Library of Maastricht University will organise the seminar ‘Publish with impact’. Its focus will be on criteria and tools that will help you in choosing your best journal to publish in and in ways to increase your visibility and the impact of your published paper. Zie voor meer informatie en registratie de website.